The Good Stuff.


SXSW coming soon to a city near me... Austin girds itself for the onslaught of SXSW 2023. Coming in March.

These date back to 2019. We're about to do the drill again...

 No better time to do "street photography" in Austin than during our (used to be...) annual SXSW Conference and musical showcase. Expecting a hundred thousand extra people in Austin for a long week in March. I'm practicing my black and white chops in preparation. Pent up demand indeed!


  1. Lucky to live in a city that has so many great events. I live in a wasteland. If I was smart I'd move but who really does?

  2. I may have mentioned this before, but it seems to me that SXSW happens 4 or 5 times per year. Is it really an annual event or are you guys just spoofing everyone? Or am I losing my sense of time.

    I'm just hoping all our snow is melted by March.

  3. Once a year only. Coincides, usually, with UT's Spring Break. But we are still spoofing people. Just on other issues...

  4. SXSW looks like fun! Enjoy yourself living in a large, vibrant city.
    You even have a great camera store there
    Sigh, the closest camera store to me is around 225 miles away.
    Move- no way. I enjoy the peace, quiet and during the night darkness of
    a small town.
    Is the grass always greener elsewhere?

  5. Unknown. We don't have one camera store; we have four. Four brick and mortar stores. Two of which carry H-blad, Leica, etc.

    You might want to reconsider that move. My neighborhood is nice and quiet at night. Our grass is brown right now but should green up just fine in March....

    And we have restaurants. And theaters. And multiple universities. And huge libraries.

    Sure you don't want to move?


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