The Good Stuff.


Timmie's News Alert. Mostly written to rile up my Canadian friends....

 On January 2nd I wrote a blog post expressing alarm and a sense of deprivation because of Austin not having enough good donut shops. Later I found that a campus favorite, Ken's Donuts, had permanently closed. Despair. 

But last week our local newspaper announced the intention of Tim Horton's donut chain to install not one or two but up to 40 retail locations across the Austin area over the next two years. Starting in 2023. 

I am keenly aware that TM's are not the "best" donuts on the planet but it certainly is a step in the right direction. Soon we will no longer be a "donut desert."

And, of course, since my ego knows no bounds, I am fully convinced that it was my post in the earliest days of the year that induced (or compelled) Tim Horton's to rise to the Texas challenge and bestow at least adequate donuts on a much deprived community. (Apologies to Salty Donuts.... it's a matter of scale). 

So there. 


  1. Donut- most should not do it!
    You can, you swim more distance than most people walk in a day.
    Just look around the city you live in -probably looks like too many
    people eat donuts for a living.
    Shorter (living) that is.

  2. 40 outlets! That's the fast food equivalent of carpet bombing. The last time Tim's tried a US expansion in northern states (Buffalo/Cleveland maybe, I can't remember), the idea flopped. Better luck to them this time.

    Tim's toasted bagels are way better than their donuts, at least here in eastern Canada. I don't know if their menu is the same everywhere.

    My nearest Tim's has an outdoor patio that overlooks the strip mall parking lot, for people who like the smell of exhaust with their coffee. The patio is right alongside the drive-through exit lane. Caffeine and calories en plein air!

    I may have mentioned this before but I live within a 15 minute drive of about a dozen Tim's stores. That used to be a record but they may be outnumbered these days by cannabis stores, tattoo joints and smart phone vendors, but none of them have drive-throughs.

  3. Next: i am hoping for a lucky's doughnuts franchise in Austin for you :-) !

  4. What is this thing called a donut?

  5. I'm afraid your hope for an at least adequate donut is headed for disappointment. I used to fish in Northwest Ontario and we'd hit a Tim Horton's early for sugar and coffee, and the donuts were miserable examples of the genre. You do have three Dunkin' franchises in Austin, according to Google maps; they're not great, but better than Tim Hortons.

  6. "Next: i am hoping for a lucky's doughnuts franchise in Austin for you :-) !" -Roland

    Me too, Roland. Ask them to put one somewhere close to my neighborhood...

    To Don: It's deadly white flour, fried in saturated fats, covered in life-robbing sugar glaze. Life Insurance Claim Accelerators. But many find them to be delicious when paired with coffee.

    To JC. The closest Dunkin' Donuts to me is infinity away across town. Certainly not worth the gas. If I have to grab a donut within five minutes of the house we do have a little, independent, family-run donut shop called, Happy Donuts, within my court mandated, one mile, convenience donut radius. No good coffee there but as you might imagine we are ringed with pricy and elitist coffee shops. No shortages there.

    Even Krispy Kreme is closer to us than DD. Remind me sometime to write a blog about the combination of an effete art director from Chicago, a bag of fresh, Krispy Kreme donuts and a trip across Mississippi on a bouncy twin engine prop plane. I guess I really don't need to write it; y'all can use your imaginations.

  7. On behalf of Canada I apologize for foisting Tim Hortons upon Austin.

    Here is a hilarious YouTube review of a career working at Tims:

  8. All part of the grand Canadian plan to take over the continent. You'll be apologizing for everything and finishing sentences with eh in no time.

  9. There are quite a few Canadian's moving to Austin to join the expanding tech sector. Timmie's is doing their best to reduce the culture shock.

  10. Not much of a donut eater. I like fried Spam for breakfast..

  11. JIC people didn't know, Tim Horton's is no longer owned by Canadians so it's a bit of conceit to keep referring to it as a Canadian donut chain. OTOH, maybe it's the illusion we want.

    The Wikipedia entry gives all the details but some Brazilian based investment firm owns the company that owns Tim's and Wendy's. Or is it Burger King? Does it matter. I just checked and it is Restaurant Brands International that owns Burger King and Tim's but that RBI is owned by 3G Capital out of Brazil. That's what Wiki says today anyhow.

  12. Didn't know that. Still think it's part of a Canadian Donut Invasion...

    Also had no idea Burger King was still in business anywhere.

  13. We have a Burger King near home but I haven't eaten in one since the late 1970s. Having an Italian background, I find their Whoppers a bit difficult to order. :)


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