The Good Stuff.


A black and white photograph from one angle view of Austin's downtown. The question from a friend: "Is the Lumix 20-60mm zoom lens sharp enough?" Also: KT joins a gym.


photographed with a Leica SL and the Lumix 20-60mm zoom. Often referred to as the "kit lens" for the S5.

Yes. It's a very sharp lens. And fairly lightweight. And very affordable; especially used. I generally toss it into the equipment case when I'm going out to shoot for clients. It's nice to have something wider than usual (my usual being 24mm....) for those moments when you just have to get a lot of stuff into the frame. 

We would have salivated to have gotten wide angle performance like this in a zoom lens in the film days. Now, the cameras makers seem to have figured out how to change the triangle of cost, performance and size in our favor. Except, of course, when it comes to the 50mm lenses.... (sigh). 

It's been a slow business month. I'm pretty sure it has less to do with the economy or the prevalence of jobs out in the market and much more to do with my ambivalence these days about going out looking for work or doing marketing. I suspect that I am subconsciously paring down a bit. I'm not sure how this all works but having fewer work obligations generally means missing fewer swim workouts and long walks and coffee conversations. 

I joined a gym yesterday. I'm working with a trainer to become proficient in resistance work and strength training. I'll be lifting weights and doing something on mysterious machines three days a week. My swim coaches encourage swimmers over 50 to ramp up strength training. It's an attempt to foil sarcopenia in its tracks. No doubt I'll be ripped like an early Arnold Schwarzenegger in no time. 

I might even encourage myself to carry more and heavier cameras systems around ---- after all, it's for health's sake...


  1. The New York Times had a feature article yesterday about how South Congress Avenue in Austin has changed:

    Another tale of gentrification.

  2. You What!!! Joined a gym, good for you. There is no doubt that in 60-90 days you'll be a stand in for Schwarzenegger, no doubt. Also, you'll have to eat Vegetarian like Schwarzenegger. When your all ripped, you'll have to sell that light weight Leica gear, and go back to the big boys Nikon DSLR. OH YA!!

    Going out to do some photos now, we had 7 inches of snow last night with a high temperature of 24 degrees for today, 19 tonight with wind ranging from 10-25 mph. Ya, here in Portland, Oregon. I had a 100 ft tree blow down and it took out a another smaller 30 ft tree with it. The trees get too heavy from the snow and ice, and can't take the weight, then add in a 25-35 mph gust of wind, and that's it. Blew it right out of the ground, roots and all. Let's see where did I put my chainsaw??

    Good lifting, don't hurt yourself.

  3. Roger, It's all fun all the time. I might have to switch to an even bigger camera system, like the Phase One. Something that pushes back a little bit...

    Now, where did I leave that trust fund???

  4. Joining a gym is a very smart move. I'm 65 and play soccer, run and do yoga stretches but I have always avoided weight lifting and gym work.

    Then this week I listened, on the radio, to a doctor discuss the merits of weight lifting. From the programme's website:

    "Lifting weights is obviously great for your strength, but it can also boost your brain power, improve your immune system, and even reverse signs of cellular ageing. Michael enlists Jenny, a self-confessed weight lifting novice, to try strength training at home using milk bottles and a sturdy rucksack. He speaks to Dr. Teresa Liu-Ambrose at University of British Columbia, Canada who has recently found that strength training can lead to better memory. She reveals how activating your muscles can release special chemicals called myokines which astonishingly, can travel around the body and cross your blood-brain-barrier where they can have beneficial effects on your brain."

    Good luck!

  5. Andrew, I've always avoided gyms as well. But when coach Clark (former world record holder in the 800 freestyle and an Olympian) suggests that the quickest way to get faster in the water is weight training my ears perk up. I'll give it a shot. Actually heading out now to get started. Wish me luck.


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