The Good Stuff.


Rainy Day Bike Ride in Downtown Austin. And Other Fun Images. A Photo Essay in Defense of Cropping...


Walking around with an 85mm when it started to rain. The Sigma DN DG Art is weather sealed. So is the Leica SL2 camera. I just kept wiping rain drops off the top of the camera and lens and kept shooting. It was warm outside so I didn't mind getting wet.  I was having too much fun photographing people in the rain. 

I've shared some of these images a year or so ago but I came across them again and just really liked them. Sometimes a romp through the archives can be rewarding.


  1. These are a treat - the dog in the first photo, the guy leaning in the doorway (though I wish it were more stopped down), the three moments/postures in the next picture of the young women, the happy biker (I remember her on the bridge from when you posted her before), the little girl with the umbrella, the young woman raising her face to the rain. Thanks for a really good set.

  2. Thanks Tom. I really appreciate the feedback!

  3. I've just noticed people are converting laser printers to use ceramic toners, looks fairly affordable to print full colour transfers, I was looking around for people who rent out kiln time which is a thing, but seems any ceramic company could do the whole thing, I imagine someone only wanting a few tiles for a photo-splashback would get a frosty reception in some places, but would be no problem for others

  4. I love the shot of the guy leaning against the doorway.


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