The Good Stuff.


So. Here we are. A new camera announcement. The Q3. But I'm just now getting up to speed with the Q2.

I like trains. I wish we had fast rail service between major cities here in Texas. 
It would save so much time. Be more relaxing and efficient than trying to get 
everywhere in a car. These train cars have rubber bladders. Weird.

This is a collection of images I took around Austin with a Leica Q2. I like the camera a great deal. I hope the Q3 model motivates many, many people to shed their Q2 cameras so I can buy one more. I always like to travel with two identical cameras. Hard to justify when each one is $6K. Easier if you can find the next one used and at a big discount. But as with any camera you really have to get out and shoot with it a lot before you unlock any of its secrets.

This is David. He's quite a good photographer. I've known him since 1971.
Currently he does most of his work in the streets of Paris and some smaller towns
in Normandy. His black and white work is really on point. We met for coffee.

You've got to love a business that has a color test target painted on the side of their 
building. A quick calibration before people head out to do some 'street' photography?
Leica Store Miami Q2 Profile for Lightroom.

Torchy's Tacos aren't the best but they are a good deal and I like their flair for architecture. 
No, my dear architectural photography friends, I have not radically tilted my camera; the wall on 
the left is quite tilted without my intervention. S. Congress. 

Street poets with typewriters. Gruff but interesting. Q2 does nice black and white.

This poet suggested I ask permission to photograph him.
I suggested not. If you are writing poems on the sidewalk while 
drinking Lite beer you give up any expectation of privacy...

And, of course, this would be a "Yoga Supplies Delivery Van." 
S. Congress. Next to Jo's Coffee.

Hanging out at Jo's Coffee. 

the inevitable selfie. A reflection in a red door. 

Mickey and friends meet swim wear.

still getting to know my Q2.

It's growing on me.