The Good Stuff.


A Recycled post from 2012. I liked the photo. And I liked being reminded that it was made with a Leica SL2. Not the digital version... the film version.


Kissing the last days of Summer goodbye with a yellow flowered dress and a floppy straw hat.

We spent a few days up around
Fredericksburg, Tx. and around Enchanted Rock shooting a fashion 

spread for a magazine. We were taking a short break on an ancient front

 porch attached to a grand, old, Texas wooden ranch house. I looked

 over and saw my model's look of quiet (tired) repose and I pulled up

 my camera in order to catch not just her youthful beauty but also the

 warm and unhurried feel of the day. It was near the end of September

 and still in the mid 90's. We were all warm but not glistening. I was

 drawn to the line of the young woman's jaw, the tranquility of her

 expression and the little wisp of dark hair sweeping down in front of

 her ear under her light colored straw hat.
Not lighting trickery here. Just the open shade. No post production

 elbow grease here just a curve adjustment in the scanning and a tiny bit

 of sharpening in Snapseed. No Promethean camera here, just an older

 Leica SL2 and an older, used 90mm Summicron. 

Fuji ISO 100 slide film.


Just dropped by to see if the VSL world HQ is locked up tight and bolstered with sandbags at every window. New Years Eve in Texas can get... rambunctious.

 All good here. Nothing to see until the 31st. But mostly from January first onward. Have fun out there. Don't get hurt, or arrested. Just remember what my favorite CEO's body guard used to say to his protectee when we traveled for work:

"Sir. Please be in your suite by 10 pm. Nothing good ever happens after ten."