The Good Stuff.


More random photos done during my headache addled haze while recovering from a sixth Covid Vaccine. Nothing coherent here. Just colors.


There is a weird corner at Sixth St. and Brazos that seems to be ground zero for weird street art. Every time I pass by there's something new to look at. While it may not be so obvious here I was pretty much transfixed with the contrast of the hot colors in the left hand street art and the cool, cool blue of the panels under the adjacent window. Nothing "art historical" or academic to say, really. It's just a nice effect for my brain. I also like the odd perspective of this angle.

I don't particularly care that this was sponsored by Coca-Cola and that their beverage isn't particularly healthy. The amount of work and the attention to the whimsical patterns and op art references are enough for me to enjoy the visuality of it all. If you concentrate too much on the brand messaging then I think you've lost the ability to be adequately seduced by color and various mod art references. And that's kind of sad. Digging the Lego reference in the center bottom of the work...

I met the artist. He was very cool

Don't know if I ever showed images of the living room floor after installation.
It all went so well. The odd shape near the back of the frame on the floor is 
B.'s yoga mat. A fun place to do yoga before we put furniture back in. 

In the late 1990's and early into the 2000's I would use our living room as a studio when I needed more space. I'd hire an extra assistant and task the two of them the day before to remove all the furniture. If the weather reports were favorable they could put it on the screened in back porch. If rain was in the forecast the furniture would end up in two of the bedrooms in the house. It was great to work in the space because behind the camera position in this photograph, and up three steps, was a dining room which allowed me to get up to fifty feet from a subject for those odds shots where it was necessary. 

We did a lot of work in here but it was always a priority for the assistants get everything packed out and the furniture moved back in as quickly as possible after the shoot wrapped. We do live here...

Take a closer look. I've manipulated the image to make the background darker, smoother and less detailed. It's become an almost automatic response lately.

I still think that's too much to pay for lunch. 
Especially too much beef for lunch...

No idea. Just like the poster and the background together. 

If I owned Voodoo Donuts downtown Austin location I would be so
ashamed at how filthy the front door is. Just gross. And for a food establishment!
Nasty. I'm pretty sure no one in their company will read this but if they do 
I'm betting my chances of scoring free donuts just vanished. Ah well. 
I buy my weird donuts at Salty Donuts. The products are good and, dammit,
they know how to keep their doors clean. That's a thing. 

going full circle on a walk. A different perspective. More blue.


And exhibited to the public at no charge. 

All images done with a Fuji GFX 50Sii.

The one I've decided NOT to sell...


  1. fuji had a flash sale on the 100s here, £1800 discount I think

  2. I really wanted to pull the trigger on the recent sale of the GFX 100S. Two problems: 1) I really don't need 100mp and 2) I really can't afford even the discounted price of the camera. And don't get me started on lenses.

    Nice colors from you, though, Kirk.

    BTW, my wife and I have received every recommended dose of the COVID vaccine from the very beginning - the last in October 2023. We both came down with mild cases in December - mitigated, no doubt, by our jabs two months earlier.

    We still believe in the vaccines. But I think we'll now wait until the updated vaxes come out in the fall. Not only did we receive unintended "boosters" four months ago but, in my case, I'm already dealing with problematic joint inflammation due to seasonal allergies.

    Looking forward to some eclipse images from you tomorrow, Kirk! Medium format, full frame or APS-C?

  3. Your fireplace has a face!

    Jeff in Colorado

  4. I wish Calgary had colour like Austin. We have huge paid for murals on the sides of building but they are boring. Anything street level gets tagged. Love your walks Kirk. Gives me hope for humanity.


  5. That room would look great with a snooker table. Not so good for the floor though.

  6. That room would look even better with NO snooker table. Believe me.


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