The Good Stuff.


Another simple shot from Eve's in Marathon.

This is a close up of a towel rack leg.  Shot with an EP2 and the 14-35mm at 6.3.  Sometimes the light looks nice and you slow down enough to notice the detail instead of the forest.  (How's that for a chopped salad of a metaphor?......)  The wonderful thing about Eve's in Marathon is the endless supply of beautiful colored backgrounds at one's disposal...........

1 comment:

  1. Kirk, having read your blog posts for quite some time and understanding the direction in which you are moving, a few weeks ago I sent you a quote from Picasso: “Forcing yourself to use restricted means is the sort of restraint that liberates invention. It obliges you to make a kind of progress that you can’t even imagine in advance.”

    Now, here is another great quotation in the same vein, from Orson Welles: “The enemy of art is the absence of limitations.”


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