The Good Stuff.


some photographs that I liked taking and still like looking at. What is style?

Why I like to use different cameras:

I don’t think about what camera I should use that much. I just pick up the one that looks nicest on the day
-- William Eggleston
If you want to change your photographs, you need to change cameras. Changing cameras means that your photographs will change. A really good camera has something I suppose you might describe as its own distinctive aura.
-- Nobuyoshi Araki
(Thanks to Tokyo Camera Style for the quotes!)


  1. I like looking at them too!

    And yes, cameras are wonderful contraptions, which is why the camera companies make so much money out of suckers like us! ;-)

    Have a great day Kirk!

  2. Is it just my imagination that a surprising number of these photographs were made with the Olympus Pen digital?

  3. ...aura of the camera (and lens) at least i am not the only one...

  4. I like the one of our building (the 360). I thought I had shot it from every angle with my point and shoot! Love your work.


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