The Good Stuff.



Snark-asm. The leaving of snarky, sarcastic, snitty comments on blogs. Love my readers. At least most of them. But there's always a hand full that are just......unpleasant. That's why we're going back to not allowing anonymous commenters. I realize some of my readers just want to stay off the grid and others are bothered by Blogger's commenting labyrinth and I am sorry for the inconvenience but I'm spending too much time moderating smugness and sniping to actually enjoy the process of blogging so I'm dropping that feature.

Wanna say something devastatingly cute, smug and insulting? Sign up for an I.D. and I'll gladly moderate your non-anonymous comment (that way at least you know I'll read it....) and then toss it.

To all the other 99.99% of VSL readers: Thank you for coming by and reading.

Knowledge. A good differentiator.

Studio Portrait Lighting


  1. You meet painful people everywhere. Hopefully infrequently. My empathy - I'm very active on G+ and fortunately I've met mostly supportive and worthy people but once in a rare while the odd pain comes from someone who is unhappy with the world or someone who has severe handicaps in the social graces (and I'm not talking of Dr. Sheldon Cooper). I block them but it does take some spring from my step.

    By the way, I just came across an interesting rumination. It is a bit long but does have points.
    Dealing with Disrespect

  2. By all means. The corrosive effect of even reading far enough to delete them is costly.

  3. Thanks Kirk for all you do, I've been enjoying the blog for a number of years.

  4. The bicyclist's withering look says it all. Of course it may not have been a withering look when you shot it, but in the context of your post, it has taken on a withering aspect.

  5. I'm always a bit shocked when I hit some web based Snarkasm because most of my non-virtual life is spent with amazingly positive people. Business owners, competitive swimmers, great chefs and generally very happy people doing cool stuff with their lives.

    The people who just have to put their two cents in and let you know what a moron you must be seem to always have the last word and be the experts. I'm glad to be able to moderate them out of my sphere.

  6. Hi Kirk, thank you for all that you write about, there's always those that think they are the only ones with the correct ideas opinions and attitudes, please keep up the good work enjoy your site.

    Wylie S.

  7. Hi love your blog keep it up some people just don' t get it.

  8. I know its hard not to be affectrd by it, but you have a lot of fans that can agre/disagree with you views and still be polite. It saddens me that people cant treat others as they expect to be treated

  9. Don't remember who coined the phrase "Life is too short to be small", but they nailed it. You should not have to edit your blog (a very personal document)to get rid of the anonymous small-cojones blowhards who infest our online society. Glad to see you are applying Roundup to the weeds in your garden.

  10. Anonymity is a disaster, and most of the grumpy would not dare to write the same stupidities if their name was at stake.

  11. They don't understand your quirkiness ( which keeps me coming back),

  12. I enjoy this site and is one of my few daily reads. I like the variety of people in all walks of life. Keep up the good work.

  13. You bring enjoyment, insight and knowledge to all of us. Too bad there are a few who have to be negative.

  14. Don't let them get to you Kirk. Your blog is thought provoking and sometimes uncomfortable because you are right on the nail, especially when you write about the problems confronting working photographers. The only thing those who publish unpleasant or sarcastic comments is their intellectual weakness.

  15. I like this place! Thanks for it!

  16. Keep on thwacking the rude ones. Or heavily editing them. A blog I visited many years ago was a music blog where most of the commentators were incredibly ill-mannered. Turns out when another, well-moderated site appeared, everyone on the old one went there...except for the ill-mannered.

    With best regards,


  17. Snarkasm is a useful word.

    Snark attack might fit too.

  18. Hallelujah! If only a lot more bloggers did this, we might finally get rid of the trolls that are trying to destroy the blogsphere like they did to their previous turf, the Usenet!

  19. Snarkasm what a cool word, first I've heard it. I'm going to use it, I constantly see it on photography forums..

    Although I have noticed g+ is a bit more civil than other forums.

    Keep up the good work I enjoy reading your blog. It's the only blog I read religiously other than "the online darkroom" .


We Moderate Comments, Yours might not appear right after you hit return. Be patient; I'm usually pretty quick on getting comments up there. Try not to hit return again and again.... If you disagree with something I've written please do so civilly. Be nice or see your comments fly into the void. Anonymous posters are not given special privileges or dispensation. If technology alone requires you to be anonymous your comments will likely pass through moderation if you "sign" them. A new note: Don't tell me how to write or how to blog! I can't make you comment but I don't want to wade through spam!