The Good Stuff.


"Oxfords, not Brogues."

A bit of walking meditation today. I tried to pay attention to what I was walking on. What the surface looked like and felt like. We spend so much time walking with our cameras, looking around at eye level. Interesting to see what we are stepping on and stepping over. 


  1. Technically those are Derbys (Bluchers) not Oxfords but photographically this little series is a delight. The common thread provided by the shoes, the minimalism, the textures, the muted colours, the repeated lines; just perfect. A real feel-good series of images.

  2. It might be strange to ask, but... what is the brand, model of your shoes. They look solid!

  3. The shoes are Timberland brand. Model: Richmond PT Oxford. Size 10. Dark Brown. Most comfortable lace shoes I own.

  4. Those aren't oxfords! They have open lacing, so they're bluchers if you're American, and derbies if you're British. Oxfords/balmorals have closed lacing.

  5. Can't believe all the shoe experts here! I was making a tongue in cheek reference to the movie, "The Kingsmen." But in my sartorial legerdemain defense I have to say that I am calling my shoes oxfords because that's what the maker, Timberland, calls them. Most of the time I just call them comfortable...

  6. Fun series Kirk. Thanks.

  7. Well ... I could not imagine that to make foot photography one has to get a degree in shoesology ... Start studying ... ;-)

  8. Were you wearing the straw Stetson cowboy hat?

  9. Old guys should wear slip-on I do. :)

  10. How Can you do that!!! :0


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