The Good Stuff.


The fine art of engaging camera reviewing from the internet's most popular review site. Giggle.

"So I don't own one (even though I'd like to), and I've barely used it. I didn't take any of the pictures in this article, or in the gallery linked below. Then why on earth is the D850 one of my two picks for the best gear of 2017? Well, just look at it, for heaven's sake." - Barney, from DPReview


  1. This comment has been removed by the author.

  2. It is a verbatim quote lifted directly from his article about "Top cameras of 2017." In fact, in the caption of a photograph of a couple (from the back) he adds that they (the couple) have probably spent more time in proximity to the camera than has he. It's a fine bit of reporting. I can hardly wait for their resident physicist to explain the "equivalence of familiarity" and why it doesn't matter in camera reviews of Nikon products....

    Of course, they may come back and say this was no review, just Barney's choices for the year, but it certainly seems like putting a camera on your list list of top choices suggests that you might have at least turned one on a shot a few frames. Maybe even just to hear the nostalgic sound of the mirror slamming against the top of its frame.....

    Job well done.

  3. Thought it was an "April Fools" joke.

  4. Here's the link:

  5. It is humorous.

    But, I hate to say it, I know what he means. Just look at it. What a beast. But then I want almost every camera that has been announced recently, so...........

  6. Time and time again when I visit photography forums the first answer to any question starts off; I've never done that, I don't have one of those, or some such drivel. Generally takes 3 or 4 posts before you actually get to any intelligent responses. DPR is first and foremost a marketing tool, nothing more and nothing less. It's only goal is to generate sales of specific cameras and equipment that gives it's masters the best margin. The more hype they generate results in increased site traffic as the web warriors pound away on their keyboards. These dimwits don't realize they are being used as pawns to increase SEO ratings for the site thus helping to satisfy the prime directive of DPR's masters.

  7. There is a reason why I never spend much time at DPReview

    1. But then you will miss all the fireworks and fun! The "photographers" (dickheads) who proclaim that Leica is only for rich poseurs. The pathological film haters. The "experts" on format who blather on an on about pixels, equivalence, well depth, and why any camera smaller than 24×36 is hopelessly inferior. Oh, but any camera larger is not needed and only used by poseurs (when they are not buying Leicas). The importance of their "work flow" and how their multiple backups to multiple terrabyte drive will guarantee their digital files for their descendents. The failure of Fuji because the RAF files don't fit their work flow. Don't skip your daily dose of photo crap!

  8. "Well, just look at it, for heaven's sake." Based on this logic I think a case can be made for the Exakta as camera of the year.
    This is even more bizarre than the comments on the online retail sites that I saw last night when looking for long range zooms for my G85. A typical comment would be "I just unboxed this lens (or camera) and haven't had a chance to use it yet but it looks good so I give it five stars."

  9. Well, the preference of some users for mirrorless cameras notwithstanding, a number of still-photograph shooters prefer to use DSLRs for their work. From the actual user reports I have read, the D850 seems to be one of the best DSLRs ever made. And websites covering Nikon rumours and news have stated that manufacturing of the D850 has not kept up with the demand. I don't consider having a camera on a Top "N" list as a review, but rather an opinion of what is best gear right now. That the author included it in a personal list of best cameras is, IMO, valid. And if the regular reviews ("reviews"?) on DPR are suspect, then one can always ignore them and look at other sources, such as VSL, TOP, and other select sites.

  10. Poor Barney. It's just sloppy work to write a camera into your best of the year, recommended list and to start your article admitting you haven't used it. Forgot that part of the job is at least the glimmer of credibility. Someone's not paying attention... It's just poor writing.

  11. Craig, No issue at all with the Nikon D850. I'm pretty sure it's a great, state of the art DSLR. I owned (and extensively used) its predecessor, the D810 and other than the occasional and annoying back focus with various lenses it was a stellar still image camera. I am in no way making a judgement about the D850 ---- BECAUSE ----- I have not used one or spent time evaluating one.
    From accomplished reviewers I trust I understand that the camera is a stellar still imaging machine and a much improved video camera.

  12. I think we've covered this in enough detail. I'm closing the comments on this one.
