The Good Stuff.


I can't seem to get this image out of my head. It's the offices of a major, online, camera review site on the day of the Canon mirrorless announcement.

It's a nice office on the west coast. Another cool, rainy day but the people in the office don't care; they've got important work to do. As each person heads into the office they bring along backpacks, cameras bags and shopping bags filled with the accessories they'll need for a tough day in the trenches. They'll be writing copy about a new line of cameras and they aren't planning to slow down the process for anything.

We look into a typical "content producer's" backpack and find a large bottle of water and a thermos filled with espresso. They've got granola bars and trail mix (with genuine soy nuggets). They have Ace Bandages to wrap around their wrists to combat carpal tunnel syndrome. And they have empty plastic bottles in case there are calls of nature that must be answered before they've completed their hands-on review, eyes only preview, "10 things you NEED to know" article, comparison with the Sony A7iii and Sony A7riii, and their "My boss took this camera to the micro brewery just to try the video video".

There's also the "Five new ways to use technology you don't care about" and "Why you shouldn't fall behind in the camera buying revolution guide." One of the staffers took a math course in high school; he's the one they've assigned to write about anything NYQUIST-Y. He's spent weeks looking through old camera reviews so he can re-hash sly mentions of "the physics of the BSI sensor". They've also trained him to write words like: Delta, diffraction limited, edge effect, acutance, quantum transfer and so much more.

The big push today will be about the latest mirrorless full frame camera from Japan, and this particular review site took all the writers on staff (and some of the freelancers) to a team building exercise last week to set some goals and quotas. This time? Hundreds of articles, thousands of words. Seems the 800 pound gorilla of cameras will be announcing their very, very late arrival to the mirrorless party and the writers and marketers at the review site are hellbent on making up for all those lost years in the space of a week ---- with an endless cascade of mindless articles about whatever the big camera company announces. And some counterpoint (to keep moving that Sony product...).

Beholden to current camera maker superstar, Sony, the writers will be instructed to write "balanced" articles which have Sony cameras, and the new cameras being introduced by their competition, seeming to be fairly evenly matched; at first glance. Then the sly marketing hammer comes down. OOMMMGGG!!! The new emperor is wearing no clothes. Unbelievable! The new camera being introduced doesn't have two memory card slots. How can this be???? (Everyone with a camera needs a back up slot for the same reason that every passenger on a Boeing 787 is issued a personal parachute as they board. Once in a while planes crash. And that's sad. But once in a great while (cough, cough, user error, cough) memory cards fail and that's downright tragic).

The new cameras will have a better mount, and that will be discussed in a largely dismissive way, but soon the Sony will rise into the highest level of the camera pantheon when it's revealed (like a reality show reveal) that the newly introduced camera lacks (oh dear God!) built-in image stabilization. Sony to the rescue. The writers will imply that the unlucky camera maker is trying to drag us back to the (shudder) 1980's. Who would ever buy a camera with no built-in image stabilization? As if.

Meanwhile a solo blogger on a totally different site will write a few thousand words about the poems of William Carlos Williams and then discuss how the new camera release taught him once again about the subterfuge of iambic pentameter.

But back to the big site. Not a hundred monkeys typing for a million years. Just a handful of highly motivated content producers cranking out a flood of slightly differentiated articles meant to convey the idea that everyone needs to change cameras as often as they change their underwear.

By the end of the first day after the well hoarded camera information is released the writers are exhausted. Tens of thousands of words have been expended in the combined praise and trashing of the newly launched camera. Now they sit back and wait as the hordes of readers create the real ground swell of SEO, and freely produced content, by claiming that they will either rush to buy the camera, rush even faster to pillory the camera, or whine incessantly about the perceived shortcomings of the new camera. ("The neck strap isn't soft enough --- deal killer!!!, I hate the placement of the fifth function button ---- deal killer!!!, The micro texture of the lens release button chaffs my fingers --- deal killer!!! All contained in the contents appended to each of the (surely cynical) articles written by the staff.

The head technical guy is so busy responding to endless questions and taunts that he's locked into the computer in his quasi-cube. He's using that empty plastic bottle well so he can argue with the fervant about how many quantum particles can traverse the copper connectors on the sensors. And why that makes a difference for, well, everyone who will ever use the camera to photograph their child's first bassoon recital. But that's okay, he's young and his historic reference point about the mists of the past is the dark days of 12 megapixel sensors...

Oh, by the way, I think Canon is introducing their new mirrorless camera today. Do you think DP Review might have a few articles about it? Let's go see. 

A quick segue to a different site finds the inhabitants there arguing about the new Phase One camera and whether it will outperform the last Phase One camera when it comes to shooting fields of Andalusian grass in dimly lit meadows. And how large those images could be printed (if anyone cared to print them....).

But steady up and drink hardy my friends because tomorrow is also the day that launched a thousand YouTube sites with sassy young photographers busy conjecturing about a camera they've only seen in its prototype form. Watch as our heroes pull up the online equivalent of PowerPoint presentations re-presenting to you the same specifications you could easily read yourself on the camera maker's site.

With this oppressive avalanche of mindless pseudo camera reviewing is it any wonder that camera sales are dropping again like rocks in a competition sized swimming pool? Most consumers are so over the excitement of a new product announcement. They just want to go home and play with the toys they already bought.

I wouldn't feel right though if I didn't drop by and see what the tech-y guy who also has much to write about Apple computers says about the new camera. Oh. I see. He's predicting the future will be all 16K and  he vows he won't buy any new camera with fewer than 120 megapixels. He's out of the market for a while. But that's okay he's got to figure out how to get his Cray Supercomputer wedged into his photo-RV.

When Canon finally gets some of these new cameras into a store I guess I'll go by and look through the finder and see how the shutters sound. Then I'll go some place and have lunch. I'm also thinking of taking up smoking cigarettes. Anything to assuage the boredom of yet another niche camera or lens review. But, of course, it's blandly ironic that I'm writing about it, too. Yes, life is boring like that.

Sure hope those reviewers don't get their once empty plastic bottles mixed up with their  regular water bottles in the twilight of their journeys back home. Could be a nasty surprise. Almost as unsavory as discovering that the camera which held such promise is sadly shipping with ....... only one card slot.

Two major camera makers forget the dedicated parachutes. whatever will we do?


  1. What an absolutely perfect article. And, I just realized that I don't even want a camera really..... I just want nice pictures. Have a great day tomorrow!

  2. What an excellent write up. Sadly the mentioned techy person may have a Ph.D. in biophysics. A similar program as me, which hurts a little when I read some strange writings.

    Oh well, lets do this again. But wait til like September 25th ish to give us more time.

  3. There are less than eight hours left as we speak before Canon publicly announces their next super awesome camera. I'm so excited I might use the wrong water bottle for the wrong purpose and that would kinda suck.

  4. Thanks Kirk. I went online this morning to read about Canon's big announcement, but I think actually you've told me everything I need to know! Priceless.

  5. I feel bad that I delayed and procrastinated until almost 6am before hearing about this (latest) life-changing innovation. I heard a rumor that Sony is coming out with one next year that has three card slots. I heard the new Olympus has 14-axis IBIS. I heard you could hammer nails with the new Pentax. I heard the new Panasonic will drive your car for you.

    I was distracted, reading news and sipping coffee, when I should have been reading reviews and desperately trying to pre-order. Now I am destined to lag behind. When everyone else is taking crisp 30.3 MP images of sunsets (and dinner), my blurry 20 MP life will bring shame to my Instagram.

    Meanwhile Kirk is taking pictures with an old D700 that not only pays his bills, but makes other people want to buy a D700...

  6. Hit the nail on the head: the whole episode is rather trite. Seeing as though I am probably one of your younger readers, I can only remember the excitement of the burgeoning digital era through teenage eyes. The leaps and bounds from 2 megapixels! I saved after high school with my first job in order to afford a prized D70s. At that time it was thrilling, as I was spending a lot of money on my film SLR until the Nikon arrived. That naive interest and ascendancy to such a highly competent tool can only really be achieved once, I feel.

    I want to ask you and your readers though ... was there a moment in film camera development when it felt this way to you? That it was just marketing and upgrades for consumerism's sake? I am sure the development of automatic metering and autofocus was exciting, but at some point, all the genuine advancements must have started to appear for what they were: keen marketing exercises for diminishing returns that largely matter to hobbyists with deep pockets and working professionals.

    This current culture of online hyperbole (which you allude to so well) is an additional factor in what feels to me is an increasingly vulgar display: the spawn of marketing and technology readily rammed down everyone's throat.

    Can you and your kind readers tell me at which point you felt overwhelmed and somewhat despondent about the hobby due to a similar commercial overload well beyond sufficiency?

  7. The Zen photographer eschews all equipment to transcend these needless sufferings caused by transient material attachments.

  8. Kel Merde which is French for Shucky-Darn!(pardon my phonetic French) both new FF mirrorless cameras have the same max video/frame rates! Mon Der what's a person to do???

  9. And that is why, at the end of the day, this is one of the few photography blogs I still bother to stop by and read. One week of your posts, musings, opinions, and stories is the equivalent of about a quarter's worth of actually relevant content on the other sites. Combined.

  10. Hi Morgan, Thanks for reading my blog. I thought I'd make a short answer here to your last question. In the days of film cameras manufacturers developed cameras in much, much longer cycles. The usual cycle for Nikon pro cameras was about ten years in between each. Developments were pretty big differences. For example, the Nikon F3 was the first Nikon pro camera to offer exposure automation. The F2 before it was manual EVERYTHING. The F3 added aperture priority automation. Then, eight years later, the F4 offered autofocus and multiple auto exposure modes. Nearly nine years after that the f5 offered much, much better autofocus and much better metering. So, big changes well spaced.

    If we got bored we looked to Kodak and Fuji to motivate us with new films and new printing paper. If you were working as a pro you also probably had a medium format system and perhaps even a 4x5 system. No one waited around to see what a new camera might bring we were too busy working. It's only now that cameras evolve in a fashion cycle time frame that people have become depressed at any dry spell.

  11. "Transient Material Attachments" or TMA's. Love to acronymize. Makes me feel cool. Still love the desire, makes my wallet feel alive.

  12. In addition to the heartbreaking loss of the mirror and pentaprism another iconic technology goes by the wayside. "Audi kills its manual-transmission cars: How America lost its love for the stick shift"
    I learned how to drive using a manual transmission. I will never forget that moment during a driving lesson when my father told me to drive up this steep hill with a stop sign at top. I'll never forget the terror I felt as the car began to roll backwards down the hill. You learn very quickly how to coordinate clutch, brake and gas pedals when your life hangs in the balance.

  13. The must-have, life-changing camera released today may be all or more than I've ever needed and dreamed of. However, it can't help becoming last year's model this time next year. Deal killer!!!

  14. What strikes me most is how the Internet is essentially unanimous, this is a camera nobody wants, and yet they are selling like hotcakes, which shows just how out of touch the Internet is. Sadly, I must include myself among them on one matter or another, from time to time.

  15. I for one welcome our new mirrorless overlords. This is the final transition, at least for a long while. I’m not complaining, and I’m not jumping for joy. It’s still going to take 15 years for all the D90s and Rebels in closets and drawers to finally stop working, and maybe by then there will be a new generation of families ready to buy cameras they don’t really need, or maybe we will all be fighting over the last bags of dog food as the crops dry up in stifiling heat. Hard to predict.

  16. You seem to be having a lot of fun writing these, and we're having fun reading.

    The chances of my buying into either of these new systems are, as a friend likes to say, "slim and none, but slim stayed home." I'm very happy with my Panasonics and I like having cash in the bank. But even then I clicked on DP Review this morning before I went to the NY Times. (I had already checked your site for updates.)I skimmed for the price and looked at some of the saner comments on the current state of Canon lens mounts.

    Big thing for me is B&H tells me they are doing $100 off on the Oly 12-100 -- for me that's interesting camera news. Something that might move me to pull out the American Express.

    We live in interesting times.

  17. "a hundred monkeys typing for a million years." Did you mean the comments from Dpreview's self-professed experts on optics, photography, marketing, and industrial design? As of 10:00 CST, they have already burst forth an overflow of diarrhea about how the EOS R is doomed to failure, the lenses are too big, are "ridiculous" priced (=the guy who wrote it is envious but can't afford the lens in question), is only for poseurs (usually aimed at Leica buyers), is ill-suited for the target audience (=the guy who wrote it can't afford the system), lenses for mirrorless are supposed to be small and compact, Sony already does it better, is not professional because there is no in-body IBIS, etc., etc. Theatre of the absurd or the incompetent.....

  18. Small factual point - it hasn't rained in Seattle in months. We might get a splash at the end of this week, though.

  19. When reading this I really miss Henry the photographer alias James Bond by accident. Please write the sequell!

  20. Love this essay.
    There's a new B & D Cordless Hedge Trimmer that was recently released. It includes a new lithium battery pack with on-board Bluetooth, and a corresponding app for your smartphone. No kidding. You can remotely check the charge on the battery and enable/disable its built-in USB ports, which are to power or charge USB accessories, like cameras, desk fans, etc. Just be careful not to confuse your portable fan blades with those of the trimmer, please. (lol here)

    And yet, nary an announcement! Could you imagine that...


  21. What a fun, well thought out post to read. The humor and the great points are greatly appreciated. Thanks so much!

  22. "... on the west coast. Another cool, rainy day...."

    Rain during the summer on the west coast? Never. You got everything else right though.

  23. Hardison mentioned that an upcoming Sony camera will have 3 card slots. I heard a rumour that Gillette is getting into the camera business with their new Fusion mirrorless system, where each camera has 5 card slots. FIVE! Operation of a Fusion mirrorless camera is said to be very smooth. Images? Razor sharp!


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