The Good Stuff.


I couldn't let this milestone pass. Earlier today I published the 3,900th blog post on the Visual Science Lab. It was brilliant....

Noellia in red shoes and a red belt. 

Three thousand nine hundred captivating blog posts.
When I hit 10,000 I expect you people to throw me a nice party.....


  1. Congratulations! That's quite an accomplishment especially considering the high quality you maintain. I am not a proffesional photographer and have no desire to be one but I truly enjoy reading how you go about your work.

  2. I will pop down to Texas and buy you dinner at 5k !

    Congratulations on your effort and commitment Kirk!

  3. Congrats Kirk, love your blog but you could simply post that photo of Noellia every day from here on out. Holy moly.

  4. You've been of my favorite photo bloggers for years. It takes a lot to put yourself out there and share so much, and I appreciate your insights and observations, even when they aren't focused on the latest product ;)

  5. I’m saving my Southwest Airlines credit card miles for the trip. Well, somebody has to be frugal.
    Congratulations was said in days of old...write on.

  6. Wow, unbelievable. Congrats. I wish I could sit down and write as prolifically as you. For me, it's always fits and starts -- it's that engineering brain of mine. I think I started following you when you guest posted at TOP. What year was that? Maybe when the Sony A7 launched?

    I enjoy your work -- writing and images, and thoughts about cars too. Ha!

  7. The Visual Science Lab is unique among photog blogs. There is something to find in every post. A pearl cast before us swine. I am not a professional but wish I were. You provide that experience gratis. Amazing work.

  8. Kudos on the milestone. If I had a blog it would feel like a millstone. Cranking out great copy (and great pics) almost daily is a feat to be feted, in my book. I am amazed by your prolificity.

    I and many, many others will keep reading as long as you keep writing.


  9. Regarding the picture of Noellia, I read something about red shoes, but I never got that high. And yet I was still dizzy.



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