The Good Stuff.


I don't think I'm doing anything good for readers right now. We're not working and we're not shooting good stuff. Maybe I'll get something at Enchanted Rock. Till then....


  1. Not to worry. All of us are trying to get our feet under us. Have fun on your trip.

  2. See you on the flip side Kirk. Stay well.

  3. Hi Kirk, keep wondering if you will be taking your (other) paint brushes out. Maybe a portrait of studio dog?

  4. It took me about a year and a half to get my feet under "being retired". I could have still worked. The money was still there for the taking but it was time. I've had a further year and half to enjoy myself with self assigned projects and doing a lot of volunteer work. Both pursuits energize me and bring happiness to my soul.

    This Covid interruption in our lives has less impact on me than those that are still trying to thread the needle of commerce. Being one of the lucky ones who are in a risk category (age, respiratory issues) what Covid has done is really brought home who cares about their fellow man and who are self indulgent a-holes. Sorry for being so blunt.

    At first I was really upset with their "me first" attitudes but then I realized it's just a Darwinian exercise in the survival of the fittest. Those who will not follow the social distancing suggestions of real experts, not Fox News anchors pretending to be ones or TV doctors who are not infectious disease specialists prostituting themselves for fame and money, will eventually catch Covid-19 and possibly succumb to this disease or infect someone else in their genetic lineage. Either way we loose a member or two of the "me first" brigade. Seems like a win to me.

    They have just opened up the provincial parks in Alberta. On the 14th of May they may open up a small portion of the commercial businesses. So far in my wanders people are still being very vigilant about social distancing. Mind you we don't have the wonderful swimming holes you have and I haven't visited the venues that seem to attract the younger crowd.

    My generation grew up during the polio pandemic(s) and I had friends stricken by this terrible disease. It was horrible and terrifying. Thank God there was a vaccine developed and the inventors had chose not to patent it. That way everyone could get a dose at no cost. I fear this will not be the case for Covid-19.

    I hope you will enjoy your hike Kirk. Naturally you will have your face covering handy and will apply lots of sunscreen and wear a funky yet effective hat. A great chance to rock those new shorts and runners!


  5. This is a tough time to be "up," especially if your income has tanked. But, I have no doubt that, when some modicum of economic activity returns, your marketing diligence will reap some rewards.

    In the meantime, enjoy your hikes, and mind them there rattlers.

    Looking forward to your return. Stay safe.

  6. Thanks All, With the house paid off, the kid through college and money in the bank the real issue is changing my mindset about what it is I do. That seems to be the hardest part to grapple with... But I'm confident we'll work it out. Saw the kid today and he's got a confidence that brightens my outlook. Life is weird but it will work itself out. No comments on my favorite bumper sticker?

  7. There is a market out there, just not the market you currently serve. I know you have written books and done training videos before. Perhaps it's time to put together a portrait lighting /photo business training course and sell it online. You'll have a worldwide customer base and you'll never have to leave your house. Just a thought.

  8. Not true.
    I haven't commented much during this time, but haven't stopped reading either. Your blog is still fun to read and hooks me in with your excellent writing, history and product experience.
    Just write what ever you want. You don't need to build a reader base. So write what you want not what you think people want to read.
    As for photography, if you don't need to make money from it. Then do the same organize it to be what you want. What have you most enjoyed photographing?
    Buildings, trails hiked, people, streets, gear its self, or doing the method?
    Any of these can be done and keep you busy. If you choose the method, gives you something to write about and test out odd stuff.
    You may now have too many opportunities, thus why so hard to decide what to do.

  9. Hey, I still read your blog with pleasure. So it's not useless... You and Michael are my evening readings now (you know, time zones...).
    Thanks for writing!

  10. The commentary from this guy "Anonymous" is eerily similar to what I see on other forums and blogs. Someone should just block that guy. Permanently.

    As for whether your posts and your viewpoint do anyone any good, I have found reading your blog inspirational and a source of truth for many years now. Especially your advice on personal health and fitness. I have always suspected, in fact, that the photography angle was just a cover for one of the better swim/fitness blogs on the Internet.

    If your fiction weaves such subterfuge and intrigue then I guess I need to read your book. Until then, I'll keep checking here every morning. History says you have more to say. I could be wrong, but then everything is a bet in life.


  11. "...changing my mindset about what it is I do."

    What you do and who you are may not be the same thing.

    I just spent the last 20 minutes in vain, looking for that bumper sticker. Love it, and I want one.

  12. There's tons to do. Some of it pays money, some of it saves money, some of it just makes you feel good. There are a thousand ways to be of service. The mental flip we make at the time of retirement, which seems to cause stress in some people, is largely a matter of framing. We've been programmed to think that we are only useful human beings if we're making money for ourselves or for your employers. This is bullshit and we should not fall for it.

  13. Because my present seems to be on hold, I find myself revisiting the past by reviewing my old images for re-processing or printing. When I'm not doing that I'm looking to the future by creating detailed itineraries of future trips that I want to take when things open up again.

    In that spirit, I thoroughly enjoyed your Iceland trip posts. I would love to hear more stories of that trip if you have any more left. You said earlier that you and Belinda will be raring to go on a trip somewhere when things open up. Would love to hear what your short list of candidates are!

  14. To be honest, your blog is one of the only things online I can stand to read at the moment.

    It's fascinating to read your well written ruminations on the current crisis and its effects on your life, business and the various places around Austin that, I've become familiar with, through your eyes and your blog.

    Obviously, if you don't feel like writing the blog, you're under no obligation, but I'd not agree that you have nothing to say. These are weird times, and the photos /writings and Musings from now are going to be really interesting to look back on in a year or two.

    You write well-
    Stay well & stay safe!


  15. Kirk, your thoughts are always interesting! Please continue sharing them with us.

  16. No, you're doing me a lot of good.
    It's like coffee with a friend every morning.
    Tomorrow we'll have scones as well, what kind should I get for you?

  17. Thanks. I'm here. I'm not about to stop. I just need to reconsider what I'm writing since we're kind of leaving the gear kingdom and venturing into the "real" world. Kindest regards to my readers! I wouldn't be here without you.

  18. Good to hear you're going to keep going. Yours is the only photography site I read on a regular basis anymore -- though there are a couple where I check in just to keep up with news. I think it's because you get beyond the technical and business and connect it to real life.

    A lot of us are rethinking things these days. Writing like yours helps.

  19. Keep your chin up, Kirk -- and I for one love your favorite bumper sticker!

  20. Please keep us, your readers updated on your next step or steps.

    Yeah...things they are changing and getting your head around that is going to take a little time to figure out. So enjoy your vision quest and when you come out on the other side let us know what's out there in the New World.

    So stay safe and be well!

  21. Change is the only constant, the only thing that does not change is change itself,etc., etc.
    So here we are in the middle of probably the greatest series of changes any of us will ever see. So how to cope? Keep on keepin' on, be aware, and try to make the best of the choices that are available both now and looking toward the future. It is really like it always is, choose life and find your balance of all the competing factors in your situation. Your writing and reflections may help others find that balance that thoughtful observation and experience can provide. I appreciate your efforts and look forward to reading whatever moves you to share with your gang of compatriots. Ever Onward!

  22. Hey, Enchanted Rock is supposed to be a spiritual energy vortex, like Sedona, AZ. Perhaps, just perhaps, you will return enlightened?

  23. I can't add much to the other comments here, other than to say I, too, enjoy your daily posts, particularly because you take a philosophical approach to photography, business and life that is at the well-balanced. Keep it up. Thanks again.

  24. That's the plan... meditation on the rocks.


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