The Good Stuff.


The Unexpected Content Deficit Disaster.

There is a flurry of articles floating across the web this week about...content. And the sheer lack of it for streaming and consumption. I just read a piece about Naomi Campbell (famous model) having to do her own cover portrait for Essence Magazine without the benefit of a photographer, make up crew, etc. She used an iPhone 11 and the photo was...okay...but it certainly speaks to the current situation. But the companies that are taking it on the chin are companies like Disney which had just launched its Disney+ streaming service that was projected to become an important part of the company's income going forward. The cold hard truth is that they've run out of new material.

Disney is fast-tracking streaming of their cinema version of "Hamilton" and skipping or paralleling the theatrical release in order to have any significant content for the mid-Summer season. Netflix, though still a darling of Wall Street, has run through everything they had lurking in the cupboards and are now trotting out "C" and "D" tier content that would never have seen the light of day if anything else had been available.

The painful reality is that the teams who produce "Amazon Originals" "Netflix Programming" and feature films from Sony, Universal, Disney and other movie giants are ALL on hiatus. Everything is shut down. Every stage is dark. And what that means for the general public is that the next few months to a year hibernating at home is going to get even bleaker.

This parallel epidemic of zero new content is also affecting all the TV programs which were supposed to be in production for the upcoming season; needed fodder for now even hungrier audience. But those shows are on a production halt as well. The pandemic is affecting content everywhere. No new gallery art shows. No new museum exhibitions. No new plays. Not even a revival. Just whatever desperate organizations can manage to stream on YouTube...

It's even hit the news shows. I was wincing a few weeks back as I watched the PBS NewsHour and saw poor Judy Woodruff (the anchor) trying to master the stay-at-home broadcast. It was a mess. I have no idea what camera she was using for streaming but the video was a disaster. Overexposed by at least two stops and I'm still not sure where the focus landed. Various reporters were cycled through, reporting from their homes in makeshift video studios that reminded me so much of public access TV shows that used to hit the airwaves a long time ago. I had to turn my chair around and look out the window while listening to the broadcast because the almost immediate decay of broadcast values and  technical proficiencies had fallen so far so quickly. Painful to watch...

What does this have to do with our flagship topic of photography? Well, it stings on several levels. First of all most of us are only human and we can only spend so many hours in the day crafting perfect blog posts, sorting and scanning virtuous old work, and looking wistfully at mountains of killer good gear, imagining its enormous potential for content creation. We do need other sources of entertainment.

But I feel as though I've already watched all 20 of the really good movies on Netflix and I've long since hit the bottom of the trough on Amazon Prime. While I'd like to see "The Mandalorian" on Disney+ I took a peek at the rest of their catalog and it reminded me of nothing so much as an electronic soporific.

So, there is that pain of not being able to find a nice and efficient source of entertainment.  Maybe Belinda and I should start taking violin lessons or learn how to yodel. But I don't think so...

Then there is the more insidious and creepy consequence of this content shutdown. Namely, that we're letting entropy force down the level of appreciation for craft, talent and technique to the lowest possible level that the general public will accept which means that recovering and going back to the true exercise of our hard won skills after the COVID-19 pandemic subsides will be difficult-to-impossible.

Once we've trained a nation of TV addicts that it's fine to watch badly constructed programming based largely on 4K video streams from iPhones held in wobbly hands how will we convince audiences and the people who pay for productions that there is real value in "better" material? Most polished content?

What we're seeing now on the web, on TV, and in print is a race to the bottom for production values. I presume that there are already some great movies that are edited and in the can but without open theaters to drive word of mouth marketing and massive ticket sales I suspect that the producers are "keeping their powder dry" and will release those properties when they can once again make maximum returns.

Added to that, even when the pandemic is resolved, most company's budgets will have been severely compromised and will take years to mend. How many will decide that since they were able to skate along with horrible content and miserable production value that they don't really need to spend the money on professional content providers? I think we're in for a spell of "the dark age of commercial content production" and it may last for quite a while.

My advice? Buy Apple stock. They're exponentially replacing full production crews with iPhones just as fast as they can make them. (Disclaimer: I am not making any serious recommendation about stock purchases and am not a broker or an employee or agent for Apple, although I do own some Apple stock).

Don't believe me? I just read that the very popular TV show, "American Idol" is putting their season finale together from 40 different celebrities' "shelter at home" locations using iPhone 11s for their primary capture tools. Each celebrity was sent up to three iPhones and a ring light set up, along with lots of instruction and video tutorials about how to make it all work. The segments from the "stars" will be shot in the phones' 4K modes and sent in to an editing team who will put the show together from those phone files. And this is one of the shows with the highest viewership in the country. iPhones. Broadcast television.

I think we just broke down the mighty wall of "Broadcast Standards."

So, if people drink more, and need escape badly enough, even dreck will sell. What chance would Leonardo Da Vinci have stood in this time period? Decay of western civilization indeed.

Other than that things are going pretty well around here today. Just tossing all the big camera into the trash compacter to make room for a couple of iPhone 12's. After that we'll try composting the lighting gear to make room for a cheap, LED ring light. YMMV.

Seriously though, what did we expect? At least vintage wine is relatively untouched by the decline...


  1. Being one of those folk without a TV, this has little impact on me.
    I read.
    Lots of books a month.
    Only now, I have to buy them, instead of using my local library.
    Love the "C" and "D" tier movies on Amazon (my wife is finding similar gems on Netflix), as I'm a connoisseur of bad movies!
    For a long time, I've found the quality of things here in CA (the Sheeples' Republic) to be heading towards "It's good enough".
    don't work in the media or similar industries but I sympathize with them over the "Dive to the bottom", as you put it.
    Thanks again for an interesting and thoughtful post.

    1. Ha milldave, good to meet another person to appreciate what only Amazon Prime has to offer!! There is a lot of good stuff there, but the real gems are, without a doubt, the b- movie genres.

  2. This might be an opportunity for some creative people to think outside the cliche and come up with a different slant on some things that would not have been given a chance before because they didn't look "right"; that is like everything already being done. I also think that anything that is done with a higher level of technical skill will be looked upon favorably. Maybe not right away, but soon because the difference could be stark.
    I happen to know some creative people who have access to studio space, hardware (if it hasn't been chucked out), software, brain ware, youthful enthusiasm, and cockeyed optimism, who just need a chance. OK, maybe I have watched too many Judy Garland and Mickey Rooney movies in my past, but as Henry White and I were discussing just the other day...

  3. Seriously, Netflix has a ton of cool South Korean Kdramas available. Subtitled, of course.

    Well, some of them are cool.

  4. I've kept myself amused and busy with good independent YouTube programming, sometimes live, sometimes recent, sometimes very old. Also become a recent convert of Mixcloud thanks to Mike Johnston. And my stack of books might actually see some progress. I do like settling into the couch sometime in the evening, but the days are getting longer, so I won't really miss it until fall. What I miss more are movies at the theater and going to cafes.

  5. Interesting write up, personally I feel the quality of the production now matches the quality of the content. I ditched tv viewing, especially for current events some years ago and haven't looked back.

    On Netflix, I have to say it is like being stuck at blockbuster Video, prowling the aisles but only the bottom two shelves and hoping to find something I want to watch. It has become an endless search with very little fruit. Probably why I prefer just accepting a b-movie on Amazon and getting exactly what I expected, and sometimes pleasantly surprised.

  6. The effects are more far-reaching and more profound than one might think. The number of deaths and the suffering of those who are ill and who have lost loved ones is grim but then there is the shockwave of effects that we have only just begun to feel. Our youngest son is experiencing and unwanted and unexpected career change. Businesses gone. Economies destroyed. Art is still being created but not shared or enjoyed the way it was intended. I really do appreciate the efforts of all the musicians who have performed in their homes for their Youtube audiences. It's nice but not the same as attending a live performance. Despite Trump's insistence, this is the new normal for a while and in some ways probably forever. I think there is much good that can come from this pandemic. I hope that we are wise enough not to return to normal if that ever becomes possible. Normal didn't work in so many ways and I happily welcome a new reality.

    Amazon Prime-check out two Indian tv series...Four More Shots and Made In Heaven...outstanding stuff, much better than anything you'll find on North American television.

    Netflix-two more Indian tv series...She and Sacred Games...also outstanding productions.

  7. Here in Japan for the last 2.5 months the TV has lots of repeats of stuff from last year and early this year. Even stuff like fishing shows, food shows (in Japan no matter what the subject of a show is you can count on food and eating being a major part of it), etc.

  8. Old movies are a great viewing resource - The Criterion Channel is a fantastic web channel with always something interesting and well presented with commentaries available in many cases. Why settle for viewing some of the dreck offered up by Amazon and Netflix, or the really frequently bad quality videos offered on Youtube?

  9. Vimeo is worth a look, lots of original stuff on there - even some by Kirk Tuck :-) Joey L is worth a search for those not familiar with his work; his website is worth a read as well.

  10. + to Criterion Channel. No matter how long this goes on, and it will be long, I'm set for cinema with one click. Now that we see the consequences of filling our minds with junk, it's time to stop. Just stop.

  11. Bill Maher's show Real Time is where you can see the vast differences in audio/video quality all in one frame. He has good audio/video from his house and he interviews people fro all over the country from their houses. Some of them look as if the are using a laptop camera from 10 years ago with wifi routers that can not even keep up with that output.

  12. What's wrong with learning to play violin, Kirk? I know you wrote tongue-in-cheek, but in the end, probably playing violin - or any other "productive" activity - is at least as worthy to do as 'consuming' any series on any device, me thinks.

  13. Markus, it was intended to be tongue-in-cheek. Is it okay if I just stick with the piano?

  14. Um. Hey. Literalerati. I wasn't really looking for TV programming information; just trying to make a point. But thank you anyway. Good suggestions.

  15. Haven't watched telly seriously for fifteen years or so - so I've got 15 years worth of stuff to catch up on, should I want to - can't see it happening: going out into nature is where it is at.


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