The Good Stuff.


Thoughts about life, photography and walking around aimlessly in the heart of Texas. During a pandemic...

When I dragged myself out of bed at 5:15 this morning it was dark outside. By the time I got moving up the driveway the first light was just mumbling and shuffling over to the east and then I could see a fine sprinkling of dust across the car's windshield. Swim practice got off to a goofy start. Most coaches arrive, swing the big wooden door to the club open and then wander off to turn on lights and unlock the guard room. That's where the club keeps their digital (I.R.) thermometer. The thermometer with which the coaches now test every swimmer with before allowing them into practice.

The open door tells the swimmers, who start to arrive around 5:55, that the coach is on the premises and it's time to come in and get ready for the workout. Today coach Will got to the club early, went in and let the big door close behind him. We arrived and seeing the door closed (but unlocked!) we dutifully waited in the parking lot. After five minutes or so someone walked over and tried the door. We were collectively embarrassed by our own passivity.  We came into the swimming pool compound and rushed to make up for lost time.

Yes. I wore my face mask from the car to the side of the pool. Austin, and the rest of Texas, are seeing exponential increases in Covid-19 cases and health authorities warn we are about to exceed the capacity of our ICU's.

I saw a clever post on Instagram yesterday. It read:

"Wearing a mask is NOT a political statement. It's an I.Q. Test." 

Even with a late start the group was able to knock out about 2400 yards. A bit short of our usual target of 3200 but then nobody is perfect...

It was a beautiful morning when the sun came up. There was just enough Saharan dust to take the hard edge off the sunshine. I got home in time to walk with Belinda through the surrounding hills for an hour so I've had my quota of exercise for the day. And it's a good thing I got an early start because now it's pouring down rain. From Saharan Dust Storm to aggressive rain showers in the space of 15 minutes. So much meteorological fun here.

I posted the video above just for fun. I was playing with my phone yesterday as I walked. Later, when I thought back about my late afternoon walk through the central core of downtown, I decided that the epicenter of Austin was probably the safest place in which to walk for exercise. I passed maybe 12 or 15 people, total, on the sidewalks as I strolled through. Like me, most of them were masked.

Walking is a good time for reflection. We've been staying home and shying away from most aspects of business since near the first of March. I thought we were starting to see the virus getting under control but then came the news of spikes all over the South and Western USA. Kind of hard to believe that we, as a country, constitute only 7% of the world's populations but have managed to contract over 25% of the confirmed cases of Covid-19. It's an indictment of our cultural proclivity to be selfish to an abnormal degree.

What I'm coming to realize is that we might not go back to work for our regular clients, doing photography the way I've always enjoyed it, for the rest of 2020. Certainly, large events are off the table, and so are projects that require air travel.

But a business is not something you can toss into the deep freeze and then pull out and thaw and expect it to spring back to life. There is a constant erosion that goes on when the "store" goes black. Clients find other content.  New suppliers who are more desperate rush to take risks that more financially strong vendors don't want to accept. A high number of former clients choose to leave the workforce or are forced to change to other jobs; jobs which might not entail the hiring of photographers at all.

So here I am in my office in Westlake Hills (a suburb of Austin proper) surrounded by miraculous toys and sturdy gear with no pathway to effect their use. I've just downloaded the latest firmware for the Sigma fp but have no one to stand in front of the camera while I shoot video. I've just paid for another quarter of liability and general insurance for the business but have no venue in which to screw up and create liability.

Sure, there will be small projects. Next week I'll photograph (carefully) another radiologist in my studio. But the big, sustaining projects like annual reports, capabilities brochures and advertising campaigns remain on hold. The vital ones being done by in-house marketing people wielding cellphones as video cameras and snapping away with the company Canon Rebel someone in their public relations department bought a few years back.

I'm shelving my plans to re-open in the near future. We'll see how things look around here in September. But even then we'll be working with a reduced palette of job types. Realistically the first green shoots of business will probably come next Spring.

With all that having been said, I am still looking forward to every little personal project I can think of. I'm still impressed by the quality and functionality of the Panasonic S system. I still adore the Sigma fp even though I'm frustrated at not being able to hire models and shoot fun stuff with it. And I'm getting to the professional, platinum level when it comes to taking near perfect naps in the afternoon.

Belinda admonishes me to stop worrying about the business and figure out what I would do if I had all the time and money I ever wanted. And I do reflect on that. But sadly, the answer is that I'd love to be out photographing.

Hope that vaccine hits the market soon. Hope it works. Hope there is also an effective treatment about to be launched. I'd like to be out on the road again soon.

All good here though. Just watching the rain and typing. Time to break for a coffee. Thanks for reading.


  1. And thanks for writing. I did have a video project a couple of weeks ago. I had to produce a couple of minutes of my curator spouse, in the room we call our library (since it's full of books), doing an introduction of another photographer for a museum's social media. I certainly missed the level of equipment I was accustomed to at my previous workplace. I was OK for lighting and camera/lens and sound, but no 7-inch Atmos and no teleprompter here at home. Now it's on the list. Of course, all this was for free... As you point out, her colleagues are just doing these with their phones.

  2. Re: “ Kind of hard to believe that we, as a country, constitute only 7% of the world's populations but have managed to contract over 25% of the confirmed cases of Covid-19.”

    Yes hard to believe, since the US is less than 4.5% of the worlds population (recent official figures).

    Keep safe.

  3. At least you can get out a bit. There are so many self-centered bare-faced idiots spreading their germs here in Scottsdale AZ it’s almost impossible to safely go anywhere.

  4. Texas and Arizona both seem to have gotten themselves into a world of hurt. Same underlying pathogens = a nasty virus and a spineless and clueless governor. Ours is a real piece of work.

  5. Yes, that Democratic hoax is really something!
    (sarcasm alert)

  6. Possible money-making opportunity. Have you noticed how crappy-looking the video is even with professional news commentators? How about a quickly-written, Kick Tuck book (say, about two weeks worth of research, writing and editing) of a very simple camera/mike/computer hookup that would give much better pictures and sound, run through your computer onto the new video chat/talk/interview apps everybody is using. Along with tips on lighting yourself and the background you should be going for. Published on Amazon to be downloaded to your computer or iPad or phone. Ten bucks. Eh?

  7. If you look at the number posted on the Johns Hopkins web site, you can see that China and India combined have about 20,000 deaths. New York state alone has more than 30,000!!

    Looking at Western Europe: UK, Spain, Italy and France combined have more deaths than USA with a smaller population... (I am originally from Italy)

    Numbers need to be interpreted and the accuracy of the reporting government taken into account.

    I have appreciated very much your web site for the past few years, first time I try to post a comment.

    Tullio Emanuele

  8. Project idea: How about matting and framing some of those marvelous portraits that you've shot over the years? I think I've seen a few spots on your office walls that are available. ETA from project outline to completion, at least two weeks. Especially if you do the matting and framing yourself! :D


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