The Good Stuff.


The next day rolls around and we're still here. Mostly saying, "What the F#%k Just Happened?"

If you aren't incensed and enraged by what happened yesterday in Washington D.C., and by the flagrant fanning of the flames of hatred and division by our "president", then you aren't paying attention. Write to your congressional representatives, then call them, and demand both impeachment and the application of the 25th amendment to the U.S. Constitution. 

I can't blame the people walking around in their MAGA hats, they don't understand much, but I can sure blame the right wing media, the right wing senators, the right wing congress-persons and a big bucket full of talk show hosts who worked together to try to destroy our country. 

We used to think we were part of a big tent and that people could hold different opinions and beliefs without being bad people. Now I think that's akin to hearing the other side say, "Yes, we knew the new baby sitter was an avowed cannibal with a sweet tooth for small children but we thought it would be fine to leave our children with him...just for a little while. How were we to know....?"  "And he was so cheap!!!"