The Good Stuff.


Artist working on canvas in one of the studios at UT's College of Fine Arts. It looks like "Monochrome" because it was taken with black and white film and printed on double-weight paper...

B at the easel. 1980.

Tri-X. Canon F1. 50mm f1.4 FD.


  1. Nice photos, Q2?

    I am unsure whether 28mm works well for these types of moments. 35/50mm not only makes life easier, but delivers a tighter frame.

  2. Hi TMJ, no Q2's back in 1980. Did you mean to post the question to the Eeyore's Post? If so then all were done with the Q2. Mostly cropped to 35mm angle of view. Thanks.

  3. JC, did you finish the book by the deadline? Hope it was a slog to the end.

  4. should read: "Hope it WASN'T a slog all the way to the end." Sorry about that..


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