The Good Stuff.


An "On Topic" post from 11 years ago. Still makes sense right now. Hop into the Time Machine and see what you think.

Graffiti from Denver. Pentax K-01. 2013

Not related to the article. Just for fun....


  1. I remember when you first posted that 2012 piece, Kirk. I loved the final line. Truer now than ever - especially for those not shooting for clients. When I was shooting micro four thirds, the magic lens for me was the Panasonic 20mm f/1.7 on one of the system’s more compact bodies. A 40mm field of view really works for me. Currently, I’m toying with the idea of the Viltrox 27mm f/1.2 for Fuji. Much bigger the the pancake from Panasonic. But the possibilities abound! Fuji’s own 27mm f/2.8 is a great match with the X-E4. I’m thinking about the Viltrox for the X-T5 or X-HS II.

  2. Make that the X-H2s in the post above. Brain fart.

  3. Have to be honest - I just really really love your black and white square stuff. Thank you

  4. the medical illustrator at the hospital today took a close up of the leison on my face which turns out not to be cancer with a z-mount dermascope, I don't know why but I'm amazed that it was a z-mount, could have been on an adaptor of course, she had these two very old-school looking flashes suspended from the ceiling and a wireless trigger on her z6II, she had some little ruler stickers which she stuck to my face to provide scale.

    I told her I was scandalised that they'd only got her one body, she had to change lenses...

  5. “ When I can see the grain I know it's art.” I love it!


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