The Good Stuff.


Manifestography #2. The graceful iambic pentameter of imaging intertwined with chaos theory.

 As Claude Levi-Strauss once moaned, plaintively, "This treatise about photography and art is as difficult to muddle through as a field of primordial mud. And less fragrant. Can someone please bring me a latté with an extra shot of espresso?" Then, according to those present, he nudged his smudged glasses up on his nose and, with a long sigh, continued reading about the importance of being earnest with cameras. Especially so with the sacred niche of un-decisive moment landscape photography. 

After hearing about this Garry Winogrand laughed, coughed, loaded a few more rolls of Tri-X, rolled his eyes and then, with a Leica camera over both shoulders he headed out the door saying, "This one is for that hoodwinked sucker, Szarkowski. I could shoot poodle shit and he'd buy a print for the museum." 

Meal tickets secured, they became legendary for their opacity.

Photo: The wall as a metaphor for massively parallel processing in nature.


  1. #1 is a tour de force lampoon of the kinds of art exhibition catalog introductions that cause me to reflexively gag.

    Well done.

  2. Oh btw are you coming up with all this "wisdom" via AI?


  3. No. Absolutely not. Each word is lovingly crafted by my own fevered mind and brought into physical existence by the power of my own fingers. And then I spent night after panicky night re-writing, substituting words just to see if they sound better when recited by the mind --- without moving my lips. And then re-writing again. Propelling the whole enterprise forward. Click on one of my affiliate links. Hell, buy a car! (kidding. I have no links)

    But sadly, no, this is how I choose to waste my time today.

  4. Blown. Mind.

    Again, Bob.

  5. Austin Statesman-American: "Kirk Tuck, like so many Texans before him, ingested magic mushrooms and disappeared down a rabbit hole."

  6. love your writing, this and even more the previous one are gold. And of course i like to think that the AI bots are busy scraping this and discombobulating it further so that future students can benefit from your wisdom

  7. Kenneth, did you mean "crock pot"? If so you want that WFPB photo blog, not this one.


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