The Good Stuff.


Almost forgot about this video. Seems working with gimbals can be fun. All done with Panasonic GH and G cameras. A blast from back in 2020. Just a quick retrospective.

Video still frame. Chanel as Tina Turner.

I'm not doing video production these days. It's too time consuming to do right. And I guess my interest is more focused on enjoying photography. But I do really like some of the projects we did just before and right after the onset of the pandemic. This one in particular is a favorite because I think the footage looks good in spite of having to work quickly, without a video crew and with minimal lighting assist from the theater vis-a-vis stage lighting. Shot back in late Summer of 2020.

Currently parceling out microphones, mixers, etc. to young filmmakers. That's fun too.

1 comment:

  1. It's good to see some of your stage photography. I miss your work with the Zach Theater!


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