The Good Stuff.


It's February 25th. We're in the northern hemisphere. It was almost 90° today in Austin. Better start getting acclimated to the heat....

First warm weather walk. Took the heavy rig. The Leica SL2 and the Carl Zeiss Milvus 50mm f1.4 ZF.2. Warm and near 90° but not overwhelming for a three or four mile walk. My left arm will be sore tomorrow after carrying that rig around this afternoon. Shot as close to "wide open" as I thought advisable. Just some random samples. 



  1. it's funny but a little change in the weather has taken me from feeling bored with shooting the same subjects over and over to wanting to go out and take pictures

  2. Above freezing in Ottawa all week with hardly any snow on the ground all winter. The snowbanks on the side of my driveway are often over my head, this year the build-up does not reach my knees. We've had a very peculiar winter.

  3. Up here on the US/Canadian border we will be 50 today and tomorrow single digits with 10 below overnight as an Alberta Clipper moves in. Thursday will see 45 or higher again. All Farenheit. Odd winter as we have not hit 30 below and less than 2 weeks of 20 below. Send us some SNOW!

  4. I just love the colors---up here in grey/brown Chicago I miss them-- ty

  5. Can not but post a comment from Alberta. It is 1F with a windchill of -14F now. We have gotten about 8" of snow in the last 24 hours. This is forecasted to last for 3 days. No whining about the heat. I have not been able to wear shorts in public for 4 months. Just say'in, if you don't like the weather, maybe vote with your feet and move. Moving elsewhere is on my mind today.

  6. Hmmmmm. Don't remember writing that I didn't like the heat. I think my headline was "start acclimating to the heat. Different. Yeah?

  7. Kirk

    I think the 50 f1.4 Milvus holds up quite well on the SL2.. Though when you carry it you will need to shift it from hand to hand or it will make your swim stroke asymmetric. ;-)

    It is almost time for me to take mine for a photo walk again.

    Have you compared the Milvus to the APO-Lanthar on the SL2? I may be interesting to see the results.



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