The Good Stuff.


Finally loving the 28mm focal length. It took a rangefinder camera to convince me.

Something about looking through the little window and trying to see the frame lines makes it all a lot more fun.
Can you believe I've been writing blog posts for over 15 years now? That's just crazy!!!

I wish I had all those hours back... Think of all the network TV shows I could have watched instead...From "Gunsmoke"  to "the Big Bang Theory". And all the sports broadcasts I could have watched while drinking American beer. Even shows for sports that are stupid and hopelessly, well, stupid. Like baseball and football and other stuff manufactured to keep people happy and docile....

Ah well. I've missed so much



  1. You have been posting for fifteen years - and I have been coming to this blog for most of that time. Since the Olympus EPL2 review. Do you really think time would have been better spent watching reruns of Gunsmoke? Nah!

  2. "Think of how stupid the average person is, and realize half of them are stupider than that."
    –George Carlin [by attribution]

  3. You are appreciating the Zeiss ZM lenses now. Which 21mm have you used and liked best? Thanks!

  4. Kodachromeguy, I don't currently have a 21mm for the M cameras. I have a cheap, TTArtisan 20mm for the L instead. I will probably end up buying one of the Voigtlander 21mm lenses. Specifically the 21mm f1.4. I'd like to buy the Leica version but it's nine times more expensive. I'd consider it only if that was a focal length I really, really used A LOT. I'm mostly satisfied with the 24mm lens of the Leica 24-90 and also the 24mm Sigma Contemporary (for those times when you don't want to carry around the equivalent of an anvil...).

  5. Sports in 2024. One name. And one name only. Leon Marchand. Go to and type in Leon Marchand 500 yard /swimming World Record. Even if you currently think one of the other sports is remotely interesting you will be stunned by the incredible skill and physical prowess of the current fastest male swimmer in the world.

  6. Or, you could be watching Trump MAGA rallies. Nah, the blog is a much better use of your (and our) time.

  7. Doug, even though the majority of Americans seems to understand that Trump is evil personified and hellbent on destroying all vestiges of democracy it's still a policy of the VSL blog not to engage in political stuff, religious stuff or (unwarranted) ad hominem attacks so I'll have to respectfully request that you not mention the anti-Christ again on the blog. Thanks!
