
My tribute to Tina Turner. In video.

 I shot this video for inclusion in a fund-raising program for Zach Theatre back during the early days of Covid. I have always liked Tina Turner's performances and was saddened by her passing. 

enjoy: https://vimeo.com/462396471?share=copy


Bob A. said...

What a wonderful tribute to an amazing talent. The Kirk Tuck videos come as a surprising example of yet another chapter of impressive accomplishments at the highest level.

Eric Rose said...

Wonder video of a wondeful lady. Back in the day (mid 70's) when I did PJ stuff a newspaper journalist and I interviewed Ike and Tina. Ike of course was off in a shadowed corner doing what Ike did so that left us with only Tina. Which was great!! I still have some negs from their concert. I'll dig them out, scan them and upload a couple to Instagram. Tina was an amazing lady and one hell of a performer.

Jon Maxim said...

Thank you, thank you, thank you for this wonderful video, Kirk. Great B-roll. Superb editing. I miss the cinematographer Kirk.

And that last look at the camera...