
Photos of Kirk by Gordon Lewis.


©Gordon Lewis

Gordon proves that Kirk is capable of smiling in a photograph. Is not mean. Is not dangerous. 

We were having a coffee here in Austin and from time to time making images of each other. 

©Gordon Lewis

It is rare that I am photographed by anyone except myself. I had no idea I talk with my hands so much. And I'm happy to see that I like the way my new glasses look. Time to stop dying my hair and beard white. I should let the natural, jet black hair color show through... (wishing). 

©Gordon Lewis

©Gordon Lewis

Why now a beard? Hmmm. Laziness. A lack of shaving motivation. As a shield against UV exposure on my face? I lost a bet? The beard creates drag while swimming so it adds to the intensity of the workout. I'll shave just before the next competition and it will probably take seconds off my time (more wishes...). 

I can't remember what I was talking about when Gordon took these photos but in the very last one I think it looks like I was saying something profound. I was not. Sadly.

1 comment:

jlsalvignol said...

Amazing! With these photos by Gordon, I feel like I'm just beginning to discover who Kirk is. And yet I've been following your blog for quite a few years.