
The Blanton Museum Goes Yellow.

After swim practice and calculating and paying the state sales tax for the biz I got a tiny bit motivated to leave the house and see something new. Something beyond the pools and the walls of the office. I drove over to the University of Texas at Austin campus to visit the Blanton Museum (of Art). I presumed that going on an outrageously hot Tuesday afternoon would mean a nearly empty space but I was surprised at how many people were visiting the Art today. Families, solo appreciators, feckless tourists in Texas Summer clothing, etc. 

I was going to bring the new camera along for fun but after walking a few steps to the car at home I realized what a burden a big camera and big lens would be when out walking from my favorite parking to the museum a quarter mile away. I ducked back in the house and traded the big Fuji for the much smaller Leica Q2. In retrospect it was the perfect choice.

There were lots of things to photograph but one thing that struck me over and over again was the repeating use of yellow as part of the museum's branding. So I started looking for yellow stuff. 

I'm happy to have seen the main show one more time. Happier still to get out of the house and to use a camera. Happiest to weather the heat and arrive back at home unscathed. 

I hope your home town is cooler than mine today. If you live somewhere that is currently "suffering" through 60 or 70° "heat" please go out and photograph a bit for me. Just to do it. Just to appreciate the photographic potential provided by....comfort.


1 comment:

Eric Rose said...

I uploaded a bunch of new photos to IG just for you Kirk. All in B&W