
Taking a break from thinking too much, just to look at photos. I've always liked this one.

 I shot this image of Renee Zellweger a long time ago. Long before I owned any digital cameras. Long before I started playing with medium format cameras. In fact, long before I could afford professional lights. Instead I used an ancient Canon camera with a lens that was unique at the time. It was a Canon 135mm S.F. lens which would allow you to defocus parts. Essentially adding distortion to the image. It was a soft focus lens for 35mm cameras. 

Since I didn't  have "pro" lights I set up a rickety old light stand, put a hand-me-down 40 inch, white translucent umbrella and aimed a $10 work light through the fabric and onto my subject. There was no fill card and no other mods. 

This image was done years before Renee launched her acting career. It was done in a time when living was cheap and easy in Austin and everyone seemed to have lots of spare time for art projects. You'd call a friend and they'd drop by and sit for a portrait. Then, maybe, you'd both head over to the Omelletry for some gingerbread pancakes and a plate of eggs. Or you'd gather a group of friends and head to Barton Springs and someone would come up with enough cash to pay the fifty cent entry fee for each person. 

I like this image because I think it's a good portrait but also because it was done on a shoestring and with the most basic camera gear. 

Ah. The good old days.


Frank Grygier said...

Give her a call and ask her to come over to collaborate on another portrait.

Doug Vaughn said...

My reaction to the shot is "Wow!", and I love the story behind it. I've always been a fan of Renee Z. and enjoy seeing this photo from pre-fame younger days.

Michael said...

Your portraiture is amazing!

bishopsmead said...

Love this shot, it's so real, not contrived, and beautifully lit - looks like an old fashioned "window lit" portrait. Simple pleasures... I bet she loved it too!

Kirk, Photographer/Writer said...

Frank, Sadly I think we're past that point in our relationship..... sniffle.

JC said...

"Frank, Sadly I think we're past that point in our relationship..... sniffle."

Typical nerd reaction, which I'm allowed to say because we're all nerds here together. Why don't you touch this up, if you think it might need it, maybe throw in a little pro-photographer magic, and send it off to RZ's contact, whoever that might be, with a little fond memory of shooting this while you were in college, not asking for anything at all. Maybe she'll come over to your house for a cheeseburger and a glass of Vino Fino with B. Movie stars are still at least partly human.

Bob said...

Beautiful portrait...I'd go with JC's suggestion, it'd probably be appreciated.