
One sentence blog posts seem to be a thing now. Let's see what I can do with that.... Here's a quick peek at the output of the Carl Zeiss ZM 35mm f2.0 Biogon lens. Blog O' the day...


I like this lens because: It's quite small and makes the camera it's mounted on look bigger; it's sharp as a weasel's teeth; it has a lovely contrast overall; if focuses very accurately on my M series camera; it was very affordable compared to used Leica M lenses; it uses the same hood and filters as the 40mm f1.4 Voigtlander lens: the aperture ring and focusing ring are both delightful to use: it has a very neutral coloration; but mostly because it makes very lovely photographs and can be used, with adapters, on most of the cameras I own; in fact, all of them; well, except for the Fuji GFX.

Methinks, perchance, that was all in one sentence. Scholars can now debate.

Austin Ballet Traditions. 

A bar."Cockfight." Nice paint colors.

Bring on the colors. 



Chris Kern said...

’Nuff said.

Don Parsons said...

Happy Thanksgiving to you and your family! Thank you for a year of images and thoughts.


Kirk, Photographer/Writer said...


eric erickson said...

KT, sharp as a weasels teeth, I love it, great line and wonderful sentence. Happy T Day to you and your family. Eric

Anonymous said...

I love the writing but I love even more that you show lots of examples. It's fun to see actual work from the lens a reviewer is writing about.
