


I spent a couple of days back in September shooting behind the scenes images 
for a TV show/cooking contest between two popular chefs. The client was
the Texas Beef Council. It was so much fun. The work was through one of the ad agencies
I'm happy to continue working with. They still rock.

These images were done with a Leica SL2 and the amazing
24-90mm Leica Vario-Elmarit lens. It's pretty darn 
wonderful. Especially on controlled and lit sets like this one. 

Get your white balance nailed down and everything else just falls into 
place. Really, it's the color that needs attention, not noise or dynamic range or much
of anything else. 

I cooked a prime sirloin strip at home last night. It was my night to cook
dinner. I used my small, ten inch, cast iron pan. I rubbed the hot 
pan with beef fat, seared both sides of the steaks for 60 seconds each
and then popped the pan into a 405 degree oven. 

They turned out really well. I learned something while on the job.

Diet, like everything else, is best when everything is in moderation. I cook a steak maybe once a quarter. I eat ice cream maybe once a month. I eat a pastry with my coffee on Saturdays, after swim practice. Simple pleasures. Rewards for all the other things in life that require or request discipline. 

My favorite millionaires are the ones who drive old Honda Accords and eat some of their breakfasts at McDonalds. Like Warren Buffet. Their priorities aren't about impressing anyone else. They just do what feels right to them. Of course, Warren does have a private jet but he's come up with a good rationale for owning it. And that counts too. 

We're being ultra domestic around here. On the home front. Just met with the estimator for our favorite painting company. The interior is going to get a week long repair and repaint refresh. B. included my studio/office in the budget so my space will get its first re-paint in 26 years. The estimator looked at all the wear and tear to the studio walls, and the grime that comes from loading in and out nearly every day for a couple of decades and announced that these walls would need to be cleaned first and would definitely need two coats of paint.... It's good excuse for me to get rid of a lot of clutter so they have space to work. Trying to figure out how to get rid of more physical stuff. Like filing cabinets and shelving. 

New hardwood floors in the living room are next. And then a re-do for one of the bathrooms. Who knew that life as a homeowner would be so immersive? And expensive? I guess, at some level we all do. 

This is what happens when your focus shifts. 

Added: Swam the last three days in a row. The waterproof bandaids are good for about 75% of the workout but eventually start to fail. I just rip them off and stuff them under the waist of my swim suit so people don't have dodge used bandages in the lane. I still remember how to swim. And I am still loving the whole process of competitive swimming. Maybe convince the coach to celebrate my upcoming birthday with 68 X 100 yards on a nice interval. Or cake. That would be good too!

If anyone feels compelled to send me lavish gifts for my birthday I've had my eye on either of two cameras. The big gesture would be to send me a nice Leica Q3. I'd appreciate it. Really. If you've had a rough year in the markets and can't quite splash out that big you might also consider a nice, clean, Sigma fpL.... *

*(don't really send me anything. It would engender way too much guilt on my part.....) 


Anonymous said...

Gorgeous shots!


D Lobato said...

Honestly, the first thing I noticed was the white balance. For me it’s usually hit and miss. Did you go with the color temp of the lights?

Kirk, Photographer/Writer said...

The way to go is with a custom setting. Bring a gray card or a neutral white target and make a reading under the lights that will be lighting the subject. Takes into consideration not only color temp but also hue shifts. Gold standard.

karmagroovy said...

Happy Birthday! So you're a cake person, as in if you had to choose either cake or pie for your birthday, you'd choose cake? For me, no cake comes close to my wife's marionberry pie (fresh berries from the local farm of course) with a scoop of vanilla ice cream on top.

Eric Rose said...

Happy birthday Kirk. You are almost an official "old fart". BTW how long did you leave the dead animal in the oven?

Anonymous said...


Welcome to Club Remodel! Be warned, that once you start, the process can snowball.

I have been working since the 1st of August to clean out my house for a major remodel. The first things to go were unused cameras and dark room equipment. The furniture was moved out earlier this week.

I know you have experience culling items from the studio. When you start the clean out process, follow your instinct and be ruthless.

Good Luck!

Biro said...

Happy Birthday, Kirk! I’m 18 months behind you and I’m already shifting my focus in terms of focus and work-life balance. Retirement beckons in December and I already have enough projects at home lined up to cover all of 2024.

The beef shots are gorgeous. And how long did you leave that strip in the oven at 405 degrees?

Anonymous said...

Happy Birthday Kirk!

The cooking competition photos are the work of a master.

I will be selecting steaks for this weekend because of theses.

Please wait for the SL3 to be available before buying your next Leica. You can be a strong influence.

Paul B

pixtorial said...

Good food, and spending the money on good cookware. For years I never understood why someone would spend $300 on a Le Creuset braiser or a high end skillet. Then you realize how many crappy, used up disposable skillets and pots you toss and buy your first one and its a revelation.

Hmmm... kind of like lenses.

I want a steak now. And maybe even a swim, you tell a good story about the rewards of the pain of working out.

Kirk, Photographer/Writer said...
