
I was walking around Austin with a 40mm lens on my camera. I found these two images and thought they were funny. Unusual. One doesn't expect to find trenches in a building on Congress Ave. Just a block or two from the Capitol.


I guess it's a historic building so whoever owns it can't just tear it down on a whim. But it's pretty well place real estate so at a certain point an investor sometimes just punts. I can't imagine what the trenches are for but then I am not a structural engineer. 

I can't say that this 40mm lens did a better or worse job than any other 40mm would have since it's not a collection of photographs that lend themselves to "showing off." 

But, in my own mind, the real message from the universe to me on finding this yesterday was, "See? See how much changes from week to week? If you didn't visit you wouldn't see the changes."

I am starting to wonder just how many coats of paint were on these walls before construction/deconstruction started....

(I have officially decided that my trademark ellipses, which I use often and mostly incorrectly, will now have four dots instead of the usual three. It's my way of pushing back on the universe....just a little bit).


Peter F. said...

I like to have a period, followed by a space, followed by three dots. … I like how it looks.

Kirk, Photographer/Writer said...

Nice. Might try that myself. Some blogger took me to task for having too many periods in my ellipses. Some people have a lot of time to devote to minutia. ...

JC said...

I've thought about ellipses for years. I use them, but I try to be sparing. My thought is this: nothing in the entire universe is infinite. Nothing. And if we use ellipses thoughtlessly, use four instead of three when we don't have to, sooner or later, we'll run out. Then what?

Jon Maxim said...

What does Ben think?

Kirk, Photographer/Writer said...

Jon, He's quite traditional so even though we've never discussed this pressing issue i'm certain he's a three dot ellipse man. I'm still processing John's thought. I'd hate to think I'm guilty of helping to cause an intergalactic shortage. Hoping that won't attract the ire of our extra-terrestrial overlords. I'm not sure I'm ready for a life without proper punctuation but I know that those critics from Alpha Centauri can be really vicious. "Caveat Emptor!" (Sorry I have no way of checking for attribution for that oft repeated phrase.. .. ).

Jon Maxim said...

Did I just detect a barb directed at MJ's recent post? :)

Kirk, Photographer/Writer said...

Heaven forfend. ....and you can quote me on that.