
Not sure why but Studio Dog sure hates bath time!

I try to get her all dried off after a bath but she prefers to run to this chair and sink into 
the rear cushion for a while. Such a look. All over a twice monthly bath....

I have no idea why she's so averse to a bath. She's generally rolled around in something suspect nearly everyday but I resist the urge to clean her up unless she smells badly or the CFO or Junior creative director suggest that "now would be a good time."  Why this chore/privilege never falls to one of them continues to mystify me, even after 11 years of tenure with America's smartest and best canine (although I am certain that yours is very, very close behind...). 

We use the finest dog shampoo. Her bath water is precisely regulated for temperature, alkalinity and softness. Her Turkish bath towels are ultimately absorbent yet soft as a puppy's tongue. I turn up the heat in the house to 74 degrees. I try to schedule baths on warm afternoons, and yet, nothing seems to mollify her. She hides before the bath and then rampages up and down the long hallway for a while afterwards until finally settling down, grudgingly accepting a treat, and then spending the rest of the day vacillating between looking haughty and outraged or waif-ish and victimized. 

Doesn't matter. If the CFO says, "bathe the dog!" the dog gets bathed. I wonder who handles this when I'm out of town on a job?


Michael Ferron said...

They are all different. My local park has a nice babbling brook that Buddy just loves to jump in and go crazy. But trying to get him in a bathtub is nuts. A video of that scene would be quite entertaining.

The new pup Molly loved her first bath. Go figure.

Kristian Wannebo said...

Now, how different life can be...
[ There is, of course :-) , no comparison intended!!]
A classic:

Kirk, Photographer/Writer said...

Kristian, pretty much exactly as it went down today... (thanks!!! I'll share it with the senior staff here at VSL...).

Ray said...

"the CFO or Junior creative director"

That was funny.

Kristian Wannebo said...

... which just proves she is a sensibel dog!
[ " You humans just can't understand the importance of smelling properly!"]

( Note, I don't have a dog - if, I'd probably also insist on the occasional bath...)

Peter W said...

Twice monthly? Not taking into account swimming, our two retrievers are (un)lucky to get two baths annually. That's all my wife and I have the energy to do! ;-) Mind you, up here, snow baths work really well.