
The final piece of the puzzle.....


The Tilley Hat. 


MikeR said...

So, that's a Tilley hat? What makes it so special? Or controversial?

Chappy Achen said...

It makes you look younger, I wear one as well, it hides my grey hair, and it saves my scalp.

Anonymous said...

Oh god!! I must admit that you wear it with panache.

JC said...

That's got "Famous Photographer" written all over it.

Bill Bresler said...

Tilley hat? Birkenstocks? May I suggest compression socks to round out the ensemble?

jlsalvignol said...

D’Artagnan 3.0

Donald said...

One picture tells more than thousand words…
Tilley rules!

Anonymous said...

If it fits wear it and like yourself it will even look better with age. Now, how about just one pic of you smiling with your new hat.

John Abee said...

Would look way better with subglasses. After all, if you're out in the sun, you need sunglasses; if you're not out in the sun, you don't need the hat. And a gentleman never wears a hat indoors.

Gordon Lewis said...

Oh dear. Not that my opinion matters, but given that you live in Austin and all, I'd rather you wear a Stetson.

jmarc schwartz said...

Tss Tss, ce chapeau ne marche pas. Tu as prévu une sauvegarde ?

Jim said...

My Tilley has a ventilation band around the top and the brim doesn't droop like that.

Dogman said...

Goodness, Kirk! You need to shape that thing up a bit and get it dirtied up some. Some sweat stains around the band would help. Flatten it out some. Sit on it while doing the blog--that oughta help.

Shoulda gotten the hemp model. It's softer and looks lived in right outta the box. Plus you could smoke it if the CDB runs out.

Hugh said...

So now you need to find an elephant, get it to eat the hat, and see if it's still wearable once it reappears? I seem to rememember an old story.

Maybe a Pith Helmet next?

Robert Roaldi said...

I don't see a chin strap. What about high winds, do you get those in Texas?

karmagroovy said...

The white Tilley hat is begging for some sort of adornment. Maybe 10 fishing lures? ;-)

Rene said...

No, just no.

Anonymous said...

Well that’s a No. it’s too tall for your face.
You want to blend in, not have people gawking at you.

Slojoe said...

Karmagroovy said "The white Tilley hat is begging for some sort of adornment. Maybe 10 fishing lures?"
I thought a string of old, small, slow SD cards strung around the brim.

Dan Gerth said...

I like my Tilley Airflow. It’s not as floppy, and has a ventilation band around the crown. It also sits a little lower.
For the person asking about the chin straps - they normally stay tucked away inside the hat. You pull them out when you need to.

saniam said...

Nice hat

Roger Jones said...

LOL!!! Sorry, but WOW!! Nice Hat......it gives you that GQ, man of destiny look................But... No Thank You sir...... I don't need a used camera or car..........

I'm sorry for being a poo, it's a nice hat, and a nice light color. It will do the job and that's all that matters.

Peter Williams said...

Bill and Ben Flowerpot Men

Kirk, Photographer/Writer said...

Yeah. The hat sucks. I gave up on it and grabbed the old REI bucket hat about midway through the unloading process after the shoot. All the people who love the Tilleys so much might want to branch out. Seems like modern life has invented better hats. Much better hats. And at half the price. Just sayin.If you've been sporting a Tilley for decades maybe it's time to try something new. There is a reason rotary dial phones just aren't popular anymore. No offense intended....

Dan Gerth said...

Well, I just think you bought the wrong Tilley. The original one is sure ugly (but definitely functional), and the airflow model is a big step up in all categories. I have quite a collection of hats, and quite a few for sun protection ( lived in Santa Fe NM for 25 years). Of all, I wear the airflow, unless it’s raining hard, then I pull out my outback River driver. Oh well, to each their own (just like cameras!)

A Photog said...

Do you still have time to return it?

ASW said...

I'm not sure if it's the new ownership or your years of negative Tilley hat energy, but you managed to buy the dopiest, floppiest, saddest hat I've ever seen.

I've been wearing a Tilley for outdoor wildlife biology fieldwork (plus mowing, gardening, and hiking) for decades. At a conservative estimate, it's been on my sweaty head, in all manner of sun and weather, for thousands of days. I wear the original T4 model, now sadly discontinued. I paid something like $75 in 1999, so I'm down to about $3/year now. Cheaper than a Leica.

Even after almost 25 years of hard living it looks better than the one you purchased. Maybe it's my rakish charm and blue eyes, but I've only received compliments when wearing it, including from more than a few attractive ladies. Including the one who is now my wife.

Despite my good luck with the ladies, the Tilley is designed for work. Most hats are fine for walking around town. Some hats are made for doing stuff. It (specifically the T4 that I wear) is the only hat I've found that stays on your head in a strong wind, or when you're hanging upside down from a tree, or when you fall off a boat into the Pacific Ocean.

When I recently realized that it was more patches and thread than original dense cotton material I contacted Tilley for my guaranteed replacement. That's when I learned that most of the original models, including my T4, were no longer sold (apparently a bold strategy by new ownership). None of the current models look all that great to me, so I turned to my primary shopping outlet (Ebay) and found a pristine T4 for $34. While I was at it, I got a Tilley wool winter hat in a tasteful brown tweed pattern for $40. Free shipping on both, so I'm set for a couple more decades and my retired (and tired) Tilley can sit on the shelf as a memento.

Kirk, Photographer/Writer said...

A complicated hat to buy I guess.

Bassman said...

That’s the ugliest Tilley hat I’ve ever seen. I own the Airflow, which appears much more orderly and structured, and just plain nicer. And is eminently functional and fit for purpose.

Kirk, Photographer/Writer said...

Gee Guys. This particular hat is the one that launched the great franchise known as Tilley Hats. It's the "Traditional." The one that supposedly drove so many people to buy Tilley hats in the first place. But it really is butt ugly. So, the historic flagship product is butt ugly but you insist on trying to foist newer versions on me? Versions that seem like replicas of stuff that's been on the market from other makers for years. You are quite a band of sadists --- methinks.

I'll be wearing the above hat for the rest of the Summer. Just out of spite.

This bizarre love of butt ugly hats must be a northern state/rust belt thing. With a side colony firmly in place in Santa Fe....

Regional Hat Delusion Syndrome (RHDS)???

Anonymous said...

Okay, so, right, that is one hell of a butt ugly hat!

Robert Roaldi said...

I don't see why everyone hates that hat. Looks ok to me.