
OT: Crazy Times at the Pool. What was I thinking???

 I'm happy to be swimming with a competitive team now that I'm 68 years of age. Every workout seems sweeter. Every little victory delicious. Just finishing a hard set seems more fun.  More rewarding. And, interestingly, I'm not slowing down. Much.

Today we were coached by Jenn. She's our toughest coach. 

The warm up was standard fare. 400 yard swim, 400 pull, some kicking sets, A thousand yards with which to loosen up the muscles, find one's rhythm and get the heart rate up. But today's main set was intense.

We did two sets of 20 x 50 yards. That's not so unusual but the intervals were. We were asked to choose a "challenging" interval for the first set of 20 ( times two lengths...) and then choose an interval that was five seconds faster per 50 for the second set. My lane mates chose 45 seconds per 50 for the first set and then 40 seconds per 50 for the second set. Mercifully, there was a break between the two sets. But a "break" at swim practice still means doing yardage. For us it meant a 300 yard dolphin kick. But that was restful compared to the main sets....

Some lanes chose to do their sets on more relaxed intervals but no lane selected faster intervals. We got into a pace we could sustain and which, for the first set, gave us about 5 or 6 seconds rest between 50s. The second set was almost touch and go. A few deep breaths between 50s. A second or two of rest. 

In the end we knocked out about 3300 yards in our hour workout. But man, those were some fast yards with micro amounts of recovery. I'd feel more smug about finishing a set like that except that our lane leader today is just a bit older than I am...  There is a lot to be gained by not succumbing to our culture's perspective on age and performance. We can do a lot more than most people imagine. 

Now, back to the house painting adventures... (going well).


Roland Tanglao said...

yes at all ages we can do a lot more! but folks please don't do too much! balance without burnout is the trick :-) ! i am lazy so burnout has never been an issue for me personally but i've seen so much of it in working folks and weekend warrior folks too!

Kirk, Photographer/Writer said...

Fortunately doing five or six days a week in the pool keeps me out of "weekend warrior" status. Though I would agree that trying too much too quickly could be a recipe for disaster...

Roland Tanglao said...

yeah you are totally not a weekend warrior :-) ! i am totally in awe of your 5-6 days a week. you are balanced and in no danger of burning out. it's others i worry about!

Anonymous said...

Hi Kirk, I've involved myself in a Winter season of cyclocross racing. The race series I'm doing is not at the national level, but there are still former and current World Master's Champions in the races. They win and I come last, or, if I'm lucky, second to last. I can't say I've ever been more physically challenged. It's really fun, in a lung busting way.

Nigel from Hamburg

Kirk, Photographer/Writer said...

Go Team Nigel !!!!!

Don Karner said...

I've often wondered how happy a clam really is. Now I know. Just as happy as Kirk is! Thanks for another interesting blog post.

Kirk, Photographer/Writer said...

Very happy!