
If you have not yet read "The Lisbon Portfolio" I've put up a small excerpt with which to entice you. It's from the last section of the story.



Anonymous said...

Great novel, enjoyed every minute...anxiously awaiting the next one (hint, hint!)

Bruce Bodine

amolitor said...

And if you haven't, you should! It's FUN!

Also, while I am not suggesting that anyone actively undermine Kirk's photography business in order to give him more free time, because that would be WRONG, and BAD, but I am waiting for a second installment.

David Mantripp said...

Well that's fine & good but I'm sure those of us who HAVE read it are wondering when you're going to quit fooling around with cameras and WRITE THE SEQUEL :-)

TMJ said...

Richard Hannay for the twentyfirst century.