
The cure for the common cold. Go out for a walk.


Housekeeping first. Several kind people stepped in and attempted to "help" me with my conundrum regarding whether or not to purchase a Fuji 110mm f2.0 lens. To a person they strongly suggested that I do so right away. One reasoned that by not doing so immediately I might be placing the holiday season happiness in peril for my readers. Because of "bitching and moaning." Another suggested/demanded that I go immediately to B&H Photo where the lens is currently available new for about $500 off its usual price. Mostly because it's on sale. A third suggested that I trade in Leicas to buy the lens. 

By the time I read through the offline emails and the helpful suggestions in the comments I realized that I should never again discuss any camera gear that I might want in the future or might be considering more immediately. Never. Not again. 

I think I should get credit for not subjecting my readers to the three month long loan of a Leica S2 and a couple of lenses which I liked but not enough. I sure gave that system a run through though. And I think I've saved these folks a lot of time and rending of cloaks by not discussing various dalliances with other brands of cameras I've played with and ultimately resisted. 

In the future, I think it would only be fair if the impassioned amongst us, the people who are fervent about me acquiring a certain lens or body "right now!" would step up and gift me that particular lens. If my reticence to buy yet another lens is so disturbing it would seem a good way to assuage their obvious angst over my buying decisions. After all, a shiny, new medium format lens is probably only equal to a weekend's sales royalties to a famous writer. Only a small part of a paycheck for a keen executive. Just a drop in the bucket for several of the hedge fund managers that I am certain lurk in the shadows of VSL.

And by "gift me" I mean you should purchase the lens and have it sent directly to me. But please don't expect at any point that the object of desire will be returned to you. That's not how it works.

Just to get this new idea; this new process rolling I'll say right now that I am in love with the idea of owning and using a Leica SL 75mm APO Summicron. I'll make it even easier, here's a link for a vendor with one in stock: https://leicastoremiami.com/collections/sl-system-lenses/products/leica-apo-summicron-sl-75mm-f-2-asph?variant=6069837496358 Now, if you send me this lens in the next few days, new in a box, I'll know you've stepped up and become a serious "patron" and that your "love for photography" is genuine. But if you decide that you don't want to play it my way you can always stick it to me by deciding to choose your own damn lens to send to me. Instead of the one I am begging for. Right? (and yes, I know good writers hate it when we hacks use "Right?" as a gimmick... ditto ellipses. And probably italics as well). Yes, you could decide you know best and send along a lens I didn't ask for or write about. Such as the Leica 90mm APO Summicron SL. Just to be kind, in return, I'll include a vendor link for that one as well: https://leicastoremiami.com/collections/sl-system-lenses/products/leica-apo-summicron-sl-90mm-f-2-asph?variant=6069837725734

I think it's only fair to start begging for stuff in return for the amazing and insightful stuff we've been posting here since the early 2009s. Why the research for nearly 6,000 meaty articles alone is breathtaking. And, as a bonus, you get to see fresh mannequin portraits nearly every darn week. It's not like I'm begging for cash. As an additional bonus I promise to post comments without delay! Try to find that on any other photo blog!!!

So, if you think we'd all be better off if Kirk has his crusty mitts on some chouette (https://lingopie.com/blog/15-french-slang-words-and-phrases-you-need-to-know/#:~:text=Chouette%20(great%2C%20nice%2C%20cool,My%20teacher%20is%20cool.) lens that's a "must review" I'm encouraging you to buy one and send it along. I'll take good care of it. 

But it's only fair to let you know that having been pushed, a bit rudely, it'll now be a cold day in hell before I part with my own tightly held cash and buy that Fuji 110mm. Oh look! Here's one: https://www.bhphotovideo.com/c/product/1333203-REG/fujifilm_600018568_gf_110mm_f_2_r.html
Knock yourselves out. 

Well. That's it for the holiday housekeeping. 

So, I went to swim practice on Saturday morning feeling great. I went with B. to lunch on Saturday feeling pretty good. But by evening I had a drip down my throat and felt a bit...puny. When I woke up on Sunday morning it was evident that I have become the victim of the "common cold." One of mans' most popular viruses. I spent the day (ill advised!) reading Clive Cussler's novel, Black Wind, which locked me into my favorite reading chair, trying to get through 522 pages before a late dinner. Not a bad book. But when you have a cold you tend to be...picky. 

I was reading one of Mark Greany's Gray Man Series novels later that night and was struck by the idea that even the most popular of writers could use a bit more research. Seems his hero is using electro magnetic limpit mines to blow up yachts. But he is doing so by attaching the mines under the water line using the electro magnetic powers of the mines to attach to the aluminum hulls. Yes, he makes a point of describing the attachment points as "aluminum hulls." That's when the dripping nose started for me.

This morning B. went out for a quarantining walk and left me to my own devices. I was going to microwave something for breakfast but nobody bothered to tell me that the microwave had recently stopped working. Apparently another one is winging its way here with all due dispatch. Amazon's email suggests it will be here this evening. But that didn't solve my breakfast issues and with the cold symptoms moving on to a cough I wasn't excited about pulling out pots and pans and exercising my rusty cooking skills. 

I made a point of shaving before I left the house. Apparently, when I don't shave and my hair is all over the place, and I wear that old dull, green sweat shirt with a worn collar and a few holes in it, the people at my favorite coffee shops and taco houses assume I am currently unhoused and in distress and give me those benevolent looks. You can see pity in their eyes. Waiting to see if I'll bring up a handful of change with which to pay for my coffee. (True story, when I walk down by UT there is a coffee shop and when I go there and order a coffee and a pastry one of the young women who staff the counter always rings up my pastry as half price. I asked her why and she told me she knew times were tough and anyway they sell the pastries for half price after five p.m. Of course I'm usually there sometime in the morning). 

They seem surprised when I use an iPhone to tap-to-pay. And then, because I seem to have a need to prove them wrong I leave a big tip. Massive tip. That'll teach em. 

Anyway, when it's 60° outside and it's a sunny day I convince myself that a long walk will do me good and that the rampant vitamin D splashing around all over the place will, in fact, be medicinal. I drove to downtown with my _______ camera and a 50mm ______ lens and headed over to Torchy's Tacos for a bacon, egg and cheese taco. Again, I got the look when I asked for water... But I had to, since their coffee just flat sucks. 

Protein and fat acquired I was ready to walk along and photograph. Today I did one thing differently than I usually do. I shot with the _______ camera set to Jpeg fine+DNG. I wanted to shoot black and white Jpegs ---- well, just because --- and I also wanted to have a color file available for images I wanted to shoot BECAUSE they existed as color and attacted me with their color. Some would pooh-pooh this but I think it's perfectly fine to change gears depending on the circumstances of your art object. Right?

Below I've posted some photos so you can see how well the ________ camera and ______ lens perform together. And in some instances I've posted both the black and white Jpeg and the color file just to show how the color affects the perception of the subject in an entirely different way. 

I don't know whether is was the cool, fine air or the walking, or the medicinal nature of casual photography but for the whole time I was walking through downtown all of my cold symptoms vanished. Gone. Nose clear. Throat happy. Chest un-coughed. It was wonderful. 

I came home to wash the studio floor and finish setting my space back up again. I have an old friend/long time client coming over tomorrow afternoon for a portrait. I'd like the space to be sparkling when he arrives. We're very close to achieving that now. 

One bit of joy. While typing this; somewhere between my 7th and my 13th rewrites, the Amazon truck pulled up and the driver delivered a new microwave oven to my front door. Hallelujah! You don't miss your microwaves till your emitter runs dry. 

note: If your "donation" of a fine lens or "must have" camera body requires a signature upon delivery kindly drop me a note and let me know to expect it. I'd like your "donation" to be as seamless as possible. Thanks! 

Not sure the Christmas tree in front of the State Capitol works so well in black and white.
Lost to monochrom is the very manly, very Texan pink banner across the bottom.

Light reflected off a building sign and projected onto a city street. 

There used to be department stores along Congress Ave. 
This was the site of Yarings. Their closest competitor was
Scarboroughs, just down the street. Now both adapted to 
office space. 

Boy o' boy!!! That _______ lens is really good at handling flare. 

My first real attempt at macho mannequins. Robots at the ready.

 I do know about the lymphatic system in the human body but I have no idea what 
"Austin's First Lymphatic Experience" might be. Maybe a new beauty treatment 
with which they enlarge your lymph nodes? Not sure that's a good thing.

Dining room table clutter. B. is pretty tolerant about one camera at the end of the kitchen table. A bit unsettled when two cameras nest there for several days. And downright spitty about four or five camera vying for my attention as I decide which way to go from day to day. If you send along a 75mm APO you'll help a lot because I'll want to choose a Leica SL2 body for at least a full month. You know, to try out the lens properly. That means putting away all the other contenders.

The common cold lingers. It's a race against time. Will I be well enough to swim tomorrow's morning workout? Will I make it to noon practice instead? or will I be sidelined until Wednesday?

currently taking bets over on my betting channel...


Roland Tanglao said...

"I don't know whether is was the cool, fine air or the walking or the medicinal nature of casual photography but for the whole time I was walking through downtown all of my cold symptoms vanished. Gone. Nose clear. Throat happy. Chest un-coughed. It was wonderful. " < -- I don't think walks cure the common cold :-) LOL but they are therapeutic; my guess is that if those folks who drive so aggressively over the speed limit did a 20 minute walk 5 days a week they might drive slower but what do i know :-)

P.S. on-topic: great photos :-) as per usual, love "Light reflected off a building sign and projected onto a city street. " because it is the kind of photo i'd take :-)

MikeR said...

B-b-b-but, the whole point of "vicarious" is somebody else does the experiencing for you. You just have to watch/read.

JC said...

Oh, look! It's snowing in hell!

And not only there. We got nine inches of snow on Thursday. More on Friday. The only visible trees from my deck are piñons and junipers, and they were loaded down with heavy, wet snow. I took photos with both a Nikon and a Pentax Monochrome, and without touching the images at all, they look almost identical. Against the snow, the Nikon shots were essentially black and white, with just the barest hint of something else. Interesting.

Also, somebody on either this blog or TOP said that the Pentax 31mm was "maybe the best lens I've ever held." So, I bought one. And honest to God, it's really a pretty amazing piece of glass. Heavy. Sharp. On the Monochrome, it's about a 46-equiv, just a touch wider than a 50, and the touch does make a difference. Not the lens of my lifetime -- that would be (maybe) about a 65, but it is very, very good.

Derek S said...

My entry to your fill in the camera and lens blanks correctly and claim a Fujifilm GF 110mm are … Leica CL and Sigma 18-50. Head clearing as aver Kirk.

adam said...

a lot of office buildings here are getting turned into housing, looks like people really don't want to go back into the office again, looking forward to the microwave saga ;)

Robert Roaldi said...

I miss department stores. And we don't have a microwave anymore.

Don't take this personally, but I'm not going to send you a lens, or camera. I bought a lens for myself instead, an Olympus m4/3 9-18 because I have unexpectedly developed a taste for ultra wide. It all started with the 9 mm body cap lens from Olympus, an almost fish-eye as it only covers 140 degrees, not 180 degrees. But I don't like the fish-eye look much and began "de-fishing" the photos, if you can excuse the slightly rude term. Btw, I don't remember you ever posting a fish-eye photo.

That pic of the Saturn Cocktail Club is emblematic of a design process that bugs me. Someone goes to the trouble of developing a look but then installs an ugly wire right in the middle of it. I'm not blaming the club, there's probably a regulation requiring that light, and it's probably a very useful regulation. But it's still ugly. You see something similar all the time with countertop cash registers and credit card terminals. People go to a lot of effort to come up with a terminal design that looks good and is durable, only to ruin the entire effect by having masses of wires in the customers face while paying for their cappuccinos. The beauty of the design might only be important during the sales presentation.

TMJ said...

I was intrigued by the lymphatic drainage clinic, so I very briefly had a look at the evidence around manual lymphatic drainage (MLD). Although the evidence base is still quite small, there may be benefits in conjunction with therapeutic measures for certain clinically determined conditions. I shall ask my clinical anatomy postgrads about there thoughts when I next talk with them.

Not THAT Ross Cameron said...

I like the light reflection photos.

LOL - I think your lens review service would benefit from being a little more up-market. Only available to paid subscribers, so you can track said lens, and reviews only available behind paywall. You could even offer a Mannequin Rating as a point of difference. That’ll really keep you in the lap of luxury in your retirement.

Hmm, now where can I find one of those fine and rare Nikon 50mm f1.8 series e lenses. If I’m lucky I’ll find one with a ‘free’ EM body as a rear lens cap, just to add to the bargain :~)

Kirk, Photographer/Writer said...

Ah...Not THAT Ross Cameron....

If only I had thought to brutally monetize my blog! On advice of counsel I cannot discuss retirement or luxury. Or politics. Or Sony products. Or Patreon. Or Kickstarter. Or seemingly anything except swimming, mannequins and some fringe aspects of photography...

It's a tough life.

Kirk, Photographer/Writer said...

Robert Roaldi,

I am more stunned to learn that you have no microwave oven than I would be if you'd told me you didn't have a phone.

Can you share why you choose to live without that modern convenience? I'd love to know.

I have to have a microwave because I've lost the recipe for making boiling water on a stovetop.

Also, I love taking off the door, overriding the safety interlocks and aiming the front of the microwave at my neighbor's house when they play music too loud. I learned this fun trick from bad novels....

Robert Roaldi said...

Somehow we never used our microwave, and since counter space was limited it was jettisoned. I won't say it's because we adopted a minimalist lifestyle because we have a waffle maker. Btw, you're not the first to be surprised that we don't have a nuker.

I do have a phone but I leave it mostly turned off because I hate talking on the phone. Approximately 90% of my incoming calls are from telemarketers trying to sell me microwaves anyway. The other 10% was my mother calling but since she passed it's telemarketers all the time now.

I like that idea of aiming the microwave at people you don't like. It may not harm them much but it might jam their phone reception or screw with their wi-fi. Or randomly change the channels on their TV.

Do you find that this "forum" discusses appliances a lot? Because I like doing laundry.

EdMirandanotPetri said...

Does lymphatic drainage involve trained leeches? Hopefully not placenta eaters. Phooey on a Series E. I might have a fine Auto Miranda that is clinically, lymphatically correct, if not Apo. No signature needed upon receipt.

Jon Maxim said...

Hi Kirk, I would really like to buy that APO. Not because you asked - but because you DESERVE it. However, buying one for you would also mean one less for me and, you know...

Kirk, Photographer/Writer said...

Jon, I know you well enough to know you got that I was kidding but I'm adding this reply to let the "less well informed" know that I was kidding and really don't want anyone to send me equipment. Beside, you guys waited just long enough for the prized lens to go out of stock......

Not THAT Ross Cameron said...

Hahahaha. I’m sure you’ll manage within those limitations, somehow.

I’ll happily read your take on the fringes of photography.
And mannequins…

If the 50/1.8e isn’t considered lymphatically correct, who am I to argue. EdMirandanotPetri’s comment is gold.

Hope you are feeling better.

Greg Heins said...

I'm so impressed by your photos that I ordered a _____ body and a _____ lens. Both will arrive tomorrow and my career will take off. Finally.

Kirk, Photographer/Writer said...

Greg, very exciting news! And just in time for Christmas!!!

I'm shying away from name brands and settling in to enjoying generics. I've even found source for generic novels so I don't have to pay those crazy publishing prices. Isn't A.I. great?

But I keep having this vague feeling I've read the plots somewhere else before....

Generic lenses? Absolutely! Not sending any more cash to _________. From now on I'm going to be like the people saving cash by changing their oil in their driveways and dumping it in the storm sewers. It's all DIY from now on. Currently cutting the bottoms of old Coke bottles to make lens elements. So much fun and no "Veblen" residue.

Robert Roaldi said...

You can still get Coke in glass bottles?

Jon Maxim said...

Robert, Haven't you seen the amazing bokeh from the plastic Coke bottom lenses? And don't get me started on Mountain Dew!

Kirk, Photographer/Writer said...

Robert, Yes. The Coke bottlers in Mexico still supply Costco and Sam's Club, as well as local restaurants, with coke in 6 ounce and 12 ounce bottles. We call it "Mexican Coke" because it's formulated with cane sugar instead of high fructose sugars. Only allowed to vary the formula because it's an import. Six ounce bottle bottoms for wide angles and 12 ounce for the normal lenses. Sadly, no bigger glass bottles available for the telephotos.

But seriously, Yes. They still make Cokes in Bottles and Yes, the cane sugar variants are imported from Mexico. Very, very popular in Austin.

Edoffthecaffeine said...

Re Mexican Coke. Available in virtually every grocery, at least in Texas, not limited to the warehouse joints. Coke, back in the day, had the bottling location molded in the bottom glass…as in Wow, this one came from Amarillo or Corpus. That lettering would scatter a lot of light. Best used for soft focus boudoir shots.