
A portrait of two sisters. In the old studio just east of downtown.


At one point in a previous career I was a creative director at an advertising agency here in Austin. Mousumi (on the left) was my print representative at a local printing company. She was the person who bid on our print projects and also shepherded them through the print process. I think she secretly delighted in arranging for our press checks to happen late in the evenings to punish us for, well, being advertising people (I kid). When our four color projects were on the press B. and I would get a call from the printer and we'd hustle over to the plant to do a "press check." To make sure all the color films were lined up in sync. To make sure the color matched our pantone selections and the color proofs. A complex press check could take hours and hours. 

After I left the agency I ran into Mousumi at an advertising happy hour and I asked if she would come by for a portrait session. This must have been four or five years after my last print job. She came over and posed for me and then, later, called to ask if I would take some photographs of her with her sister in traditional Indian outfits. Of course I agreed.

We shot mostly in medium format film and mostly in black and white but I also did a whole series of them together and individually in color, on 4x5 transparency film. A devilishly hard way to do portraits!
They came out well and I made prints for them. Mousumi and I still stay in touch now nearly 30 years later. 

Photography has always been such a fun adventure.


JohnW said...

"Photography has always been such a fun adventure."
And you get paid to hang out with gorgeous women.🤣

Jon Maxim said...

Absolutely stunning!

Eric Rose said...

Like I've said so many times before, I love your portraits!

Kirk, Photographer/Writer said...

Thanks Eric!!! Say it as many times as you want. 😄