
We're currently getting huge numbers of page views from Singapore. A thousand percent more than from anywhere else. We're closing access for 24 hours until we better understand what's happening.

 Starting at 5pm today. Should be back up tomorrow. Thanks. KT


John Krumm said...

I've seen odd growth in viewers at my normally sleepy Smugmug Gallery. The paranoid side of my brain imagines a giant vacuum bot from AI servers harvesting content for future use.

JC said...

Probably high-tax Singaporans looking to move to Texas.

Kirk, Photographer/Writer said...

JC, Tens of thousands of them all in the last four or five days? I don't think so......

NedNotPledger said...

Probably looking for my comments. Said as I part the curtains and look outside for suspicious traffic. That person walking that dog.

Anonymous said...

Earlier today (June 7), when clicked on the link for VSL, I was directed to a Google sign-in page and there was no way around it (except to close the page and do something else). And last week, the captcha feature for comments appeared to be broken - every time I clicked on whatever pictures it asked me to click on, it regenerated more pictures - on and on without end until I closed out. I was actually curious to see if it would stop refreshing the images eventually and accept that I am not a robot, but I ran out of patience after clicking publish about 25 or 30 times. I think maybe Google is having some issues?


Dick Barbour said...

Yesterday I was told that I wasn't an approved member and to contact the blog owner for approval to see it. I thought maybe my comments had finally done me in. :)

adam said...

not sure why this would happen to this site but can be http flood attack, google will have their own protections in place to deal with those, I don't know if there is any kind of penalty for you but is something they deal with daily a lot I'm sure

Jon Maxim said...

So happy to see you back again!