
Random Pairing.


  1. It is not random. They both have round things, and both are fun and stuff...

  2. Wow, stunning images as always, you are so creative. Love the Craftsy material so far (I'm NOT a portrait, or people, photographer, but your guidance on lighting is invaluable, still working through it). Thanks for all your fantastic work, makes my life more worth living. Today I went on a short (18Km, back is still a problem) cycle ride, last minute change of bike meant I forgot to move the camera to the second bike, so had to use the iPhone; know you hate/do not like them, but sometimes useful to me!

  3. A planned shot is not random....spur of the moment perhaps??

  4. Pardon me...I just read the title again...."RANDOM PAIRING"....apologies....


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