
217 Spam comments yesterday and no "actual" comments, have forced me to reinstate the hated "word verification" filter. I can't make you comment but I don't want to spend my life wading through spam.

It's either word verification or no blog. I chose word verification.

added a couple hours later: Here's a screen shot to show you guys what came crawling into the comment zone while I was cooking dinner.....

I don't know how this does anything for the spammers but it sure drives the spamees crazy.


  1. I see nothing different. What is "word verification? "

  2. It's that crappy thing where you want to leave a comment so you type for a while and then when you hit publish a box comes up and asks you to identify how many squares have buses in them, or street signs in them, or something like that. Anyway there's vague visual test before you can post. It sucks but I'm thinking it sucks less than a torrent of spam.

  3. Is it possible that all the comments aren't getting through? I posted a comment under your pixie camera column and it didn't show up. I don't think I wrote anything you'd be reluctant to publish (or that looked like spam), so perhaps you didn't see it (??)

  4. DWROSS, I rarely toss anything but real spam. You know, stuff like ads for casinos or viagra, or nonsense stuff that's linked to something. If it didn't get through I'm going to blame blogger. I'd love to read what you wrote, can you toss it at me again?

  5. :-) Can't remember exactly, but along the lines of "thanks, great column, we're on the same page." I recently re-discovered my first digital camera, a Canon S95. I love the files. Maybe the CCD sensor ("pixie dust"?), or the improvement in post-processing power? Don't know, don't really care, just having fun, but the S95 will go everywhere I go for the foreseeable future. Thanks for talking about the tools and issues that actually matter to most of us.

  6. That's a lot of bogus comments for a single day. Any clue as to what triggered them?

  7. Those little clip-on flashes are so cute. I don't have anything useful to say, but I'm not a spammer.

  8. I have tried to post two comments using the name/url method and neither have appeared.


  9. Bottom feeders. They don't care that they're creating work for honest people. I suppose it wouldn't do any good to compile and publish the names of the advertisers that use this disreputable method to get in our faces. The companies are probably too small and who wants the additional work of tracking them?

  10. 217. About how many spam calls I get a day it seems. All humans are not human.

  11. Ha! I can comment again! Blogger has been making it very difficult to post, because it frequently won't allow any of the methods of ID.

  12. the "robot" step is no big deal for me :)

  13. I guess this approach cuts down the flow of robo-spam. But I’ve noticed on a couple of Youtube channels I follow the increasing presence of political/social extremists. They make brief comments apparently related to the producers’ content, but include graphics and signatures clearly designed for a different purpose: fostering contact with others of similar bent. I hope you don’t have to deal with flushing a lot of that.

  14. I'll wager that I get about 217 robo phone calls for every actual personal call. When my 94 year old live in M-I-L passes away, the second thing to go out the door will be the landline phone system. I feel your pain.


We Moderate Comments, Yours might not appear right after you hit return. Be patient; I'm usually pretty quick on getting comments up there. Try not to hit return again and again.... If you disagree with something I've written please do so civilly. Be nice or see your comments fly into the void. Anonymous posters are not given special privileges or dispensation. If technology alone requires you to be anonymous your comments will likely pass through moderation if you "sign" them. A new note: Don't tell me how to write or how to blog! I can't make you comment but I don't want to wade through spam!