
So much of the stuff we write and discuss about photography just doesn't matter. At all. It's immaterial to making fun photographs.

Back in 2019 B and I took a little vacation trip to Montreal, Canada. Like most photographers who I know I hemmed and hawed about which camera or cameras and which lenses to take along with me. In the end I opted to grab the latest one to come through the office. It was a "retro-esque" choice but one that worked for me. I shot hundreds and hundreds of "holiday snaps" with a traditional DSLR camera and, mostly, with a 50mm f1.4 lens. The images look a little different to me than more recent photos I took in Montreal late last Fall. On the later trip I was using the Leica M240 and the Leica Q2. But really, the quality of the images is more or less interchangeable because the reason to create these photos was to capture a feeling of the time and the space, not to participate in a contest aimed at showing off the incremental improvements in camera technology.

The camera I chose to take with me in 2019 was the Pentax K1. It's a 36 megapixel, full frame camera. It's actually newer, in camera years, than the Leica M240 that I used three years later. But the 50mm f1.4 Pentax lens I mostly used was probably ten or so years older than the camera itself. All of them; everything I took on both trips, worked well. If the threshold for success was set at an arbitrary number like 75% then both gaggles of gear delivered results at 90%. And neither set was feature competitive with any number of current cameras. But that lack of inspirational newness was hardly an impediment to the enjoyment of real world picture taking. 

As photographers we have an odd relationship with our gear. There is a big percentage of photographers over 50 who've largely given up on actually taking photographs on a regular or routine basis and now occupy their time going through the "compost heap" of photo gear history bemoaning the passing of "the good old days." The idea being that so much of the legendary gear from the film days, and the now disappearing darkrooms, the fiber based, black and white prints, etc. represents some golden age of photography which is passing and must be memorialized or mourned. The pride of having mastered lots of processes and techniques that are now mostly irrelevant is palpable. And the mourners can be seen writing about magic black and white film developer recipes and reciprocity failure charts or the stability of 1950's Linhof tripods. 

This is offset by an opposite group who seem to worship at the altar of The Absolute Latest Technology in Cameras. While they would have salivated if they'd gotten their hands on a camera that could deliver what a Pentax K1 or a Leica M240 does back at the turn of the century, or even more recently, they dismiss anything which has been at all superseded by a newer model or a new trend in camera and lens design. Their metrics are: highest sharpness, lowest noise, highest ISO, fastest frame rate and most megapixels. And they'll gladly trade-in or mothball any camera that doesn't measure up. No matter how much they loved the camera being replaced --- at least when it first arrived. Dangle a Nikon Z9 in front of them and they'll look for a scalpel with which disgorge and sell their own kidney in order to purchase. Tell a Sony fan that an A9iii is overkill and get ready for an aggressive debate. And the Mark Two version of that 85mm lens? It's a MUST HAVE. Just gotta ditch the Mark One first...

I suggest that there is a middle ground. And that might be to have cameras that exceed your most stringent use case while being practical to own and shoot with. Cameras that match tech value with pleasurable handling and competent files. For some that might mean returning to and re-appreciating a whole geological strata of cameras that date back to the introduction of the first good, full frame CMOS sensors. Say, around 2010. Some might even develop an appreciation for the family of full frame cameras which featured (for a very short span) actual full frame CCD sensors. How retro!

I was asked recently why I was buying "old technology" like the Leica M240 cameras or the older generation Leica SL cameras. I stand by the premise that there is a parabola for all manufacturing. In the early days of digital engineers labored hard to make the cameras as good as they could be. At some point the quality of the camera build and the features, in combination, hit the top of the parabolic curve. The zenith. Then the game becomes figuring out how to keep the prices as high as possible while eliminating both features and build quality until the camera makers come up with a sellable product that might be less....robust....or personable....but still sellable, through the miracle of incremental performance increases (via faster chips) and enhanced marketing. 

For my taste the sensor performance, battery endurance and general robustness of the Leicas I've chosen are at what I perceive as the zenith of the combination of given the targets I want to hit. Spending more buys me less. Why spend $9000 on a camera when a used camera at $2500 gives me more joy? And having used the 47 megapixel SL2 and Q2 cameras for years now I have to ask: does anyone really need more than 24 megapixels? Really?

I love the cameras we were offered by makers ten years ago ( or more ). There are iconic camera models in each manufacturer's recent histories. The Nikon D700 (and by extension, the Nikon D750 and 780). The Canon 5Dmk3. The Fuji X-Pro2 and 3. The Sony a850 and a900. And the Panasonic S1. And, of course, the Pentax K-1. All are good cameras and most will provide files that are so close to the quality provided by the latest gear that the differences are invisible to most. 

I guess the best way to approach most advances in technology is to wait until you have an absolute need for some sort of performance enhancement before dropping the cash. Shaky hands? Yes, you need some sort of image stabilization. Gotta 24 megapixel sensor but now crave a 32 megapixel sensor? Hmmmm. No sure about that. Just as I can't imagine that Leica Q2 users, for example, will really benefit materially by upgrading to the new Q3. A bit more resolution, sure. But a big jump up in quality? Not very likely. Same with moving from a Sony A7R3 to an A7R4. Minimal benefits accrue. Post purchase disappointment awaits. 

Buy whatever camera you like. But let's use them occasionally instead of just writing or reading about them. I like it best when writers and vloggers show examples of what they are discussing... Real examples, not marketing collateral.

I don't want to read rumors of what might be coming down the pike. Really don't need ten stops of image stabilization. Don't need automatic hue bracketing. And from the nostalgia camp  I don't want to read yet another article about the radioactive glass elements used in some historically "great" lens. Don't need to know about what kind of flashbulbs Weegee used. No more sad stories about the loss of one's favorite black and white printing paper. Spare me emotional remembrances of natty print washers from the golden years. Or gushing paeans to the sensual glow of sodium vapor safelights. Save me having to hear about what features you'd change in the next generation of spiffy camera bodies. And why you think they are critical.

I'm fresh off a deep dive through the archives from the past 40 years. All the stuff works great. It's all in how you use it. That's the secret sauce. Some of my favorite shots are from a Canonet camera from 48 years ago. The technology is less important than we ever expected. 


Anonymous said...

Many of my best shots have been with a Nikon J5 or V3 (1 inch sensor) with the great 32mm f/1.2 (approx. 85 mm) or the very good 70-300 mm. Have owned the D810 etc. but as you say the D700 from 2007 (as far as I remember) will give about the same good quality as those very expensive new cameras - at least in good light. The selling points today is mostly crap like global shutter and automatic car or cat detection which has nothing to do with real photography.

Anonymous said...

Sounds like you are reading too many photo web sites. Abstain!!! Go swim and shoot photos.


Biro said...

I used to have a darkroom. And I am still proud of my ability to process back & white photographs. But would I want to go back to dealing with that? No way! The “darkroom” is now in my Mac Studio and it can do so much more than I could in the 1970s, 80s and 90s.

My camera and lens gear is fairly current, with the Leica Q2 some Nikon Z kit the most recent. But I’ve sold off all my Sony and Fuji gear and am having much more fund with a smaller inventory. I see no reason to chase specification sheets. But I do keep a fair amount of different cameras and glass in the mix because I tend to get bored.

Kirk, Photographer/Writer said...

Biro. Same here. Rotating through the gear on hand is fun.

karmagroovy said...

Since we all know that the print is dead, all that's required is a camera with enough resolution for displaying on a large monitor. I'm guessing 8-12 megapixels should be plenty? In that case the D700, along with many others from that period, are perfectly suited.

Eric Rose said...

You are saying exactly what I have been preaching for years. Use the equipment that makes you happy. If jumping from 24M to 32M pixels is what makes you happy, then I dare say you are not really into "photography". I took my old Panasonic GX1 to Germany awhile back. The images I came home with pleased me to no end. Would I have been happier if the same images were made with an S1? Absolutely not. I took a G85 to Cuba and love the images. Should I have taken my D800e? Nah, to heavy. I very rarely leave the house naked, ie. no camera. Generally the decision is made by whatever is closest at hand when I make the decision to go out. The latest photos I uploaded to Instagram were taken with an older Samsung S22. They were grab shots and they both made me very happy when I looked at them on the screen. That's all that counts. For me at least. The camera companies hate me and the people who hang out at the local camera store think I'm a heretic.


Mike Marcus said...

At 76 that puts me in your >50 geezer crowd, good'nuf is good'nuf for me. As such, my camera shelf developed a hole today that I don't expect to fill. I still have four other cameras on that shelf, plus another in my car console. As I said here before, in the middle of last year I picked up a nearly new Leica Q to fill my multi-decades-long desire for a Red Dot camera. Today it left for its new "old-Indiana home." The Q is a great little camera, with 24 MPs that are more than I mostly need, a relatively simple menu, a control layout that I quickly adapted to, and, I think, the sharpest lens I may ever own. Nearly all photos from it were perfect, as long as I got the composition right. And the photos were cropable. Why did I sell it then? As I wandered with it along the edge of the Grand Canyon a few weeks ago, I started thinking that I actually wanted to have instead my old Pany GX8 with its 14-140ii that is "mostly glued on to it." With it, I could have photographed some of the intimate landscapes I was seeing, which I knew I could not get from cropping the Leica images. It is strange to me that both camera models entered the marketplace within a month of each other in 2016. So, I guess I am indeed one of those who does not need the latest or greatest. But then, I do have another camera that is a year newer than those two, a Sony a7Riii, which is one of those rare camera models that DXO rated its sensor at 100. Plus, that camera just seems to fit my hand, like my Pentax MX did decades ago. Clearly, the greatest, for this geezer, is not the latest. I will leave it to others to continue to buy the latest and support the camera companies.

Dogman said...

I sing the praises of my old Nikon digitals frequently. For my purposes, they are the best cameras available. There is something really beautiful about the images popping out of the D3 and D700 Nikons that surpass the much higher resolution D800 and D810 I also own but use rarely. Especially beautiful when used with older manual focus Nikkor and Carl Zeiss ZF.2 lenses but also excellent with the last generation AF-S Nikkors. I don't care that these old cameras are heavy and lack features other people go ga-ga over. If I want or need to go small, light and quiet I've got my old X-Pro2s and the ancient-by-digital-standards X100S.

I haven't read a new camera review in...can't remember when. I'd rather just take pictures.

Eric Rose said...
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Eric Rose said...

There is a mint D700 down at the local camera store for $300, I'm seriously considering buying it! I love the images I made with my D700. But then again they say you can never go back ......


Chuck Albertson said...

I'm more of a trailing-edge adopter. Maybe even a flaps-lowered-for-landing adopter.

Kodachromeguy said...

Hi Kirk, Sigma is selling their fp at an attractive price along with the 45mm lens. You raved about your fp 2 or 3 years ago. A good idea for someone who is slow on the technology takeup? I could use my M lenses with an adapter. Cheers!

Paul Kelly said...

I agree with you.

Bob said...

"It's all in how you use it. That's the secret sauce. Some of my favorite shots are from a Canonet camera from 48 years ago. The technology is less important than we ever expected." That about sums it up. Well said. I just put a high-resolution Sony in a box today to ship it off to a buyers. I'm slowly working my way down from 8-10 cameras to two. And one of them is an iPhone. The photos I take with it bring me joy.

Mitch said...

Interestingly, I stuck for years with a quiver full (some have now departed) of D750's bought when they first came out and never "upgraded". And they continue to be an important component of sustaining my income, now interspersed into the kit of my suspended conversion to Nikon Mirrorless. That was the first body that felt like the film days again. They stayed around for years as the model did what I needed. Did it well. And continues to do so with that familiarity being a desirable feature. Just like we had with film all those years ago. Except for an awful response to the awful chunk of the spectrum created when corporate event managers dim LED ballroom lighting, and the resulting awful skin tones, it just makes a nice file. We got bounce flash to fix that anyway...

It's also fun-as-hell when I still get people come up to me and demand to see what state-of-the-second gear I must clearly be sporting as a pro-fession-al. Their disappointment in my 8+ year old gear is priceless. And their confusion at how I can possibly work without face and animal detection AF and a fully articulating screen is equally enjoyable.

Just sent off today some samples made with this 8+ year old 24MP tech to an industrial concern who wants to see pictures I've made of Big Industrial Things. Hope that so few MP's (downsized from 6000px to 2000px on the longest side to send them) don't cause them to pass me by. Thinking not, because all their photos on their office walls of mega million dollar projects were printed about 10x12 anyway.