
Currently competing in the World Curmudgeon Contest. Trying to decide just how often a good rant might be called for. Or "how we used to do everything better in the good old days."

I use myself too often as a stand in for clients. Judging by the type on the badge neck strap I must have been at Austin Radiological Associates setting up for a portrait session with a radiologist. I seem to have dozens of images, done over decades, of me testing my lighting by using the self-timer on a camera and me as a model. Only after everything is set and tested do we get started with the real talent. 

No one likes to wait around while you tweak.

For the ultimate in curmudgeon-ness it seems one needs...  

I'll stop right there. 



Anonymous said...

Dude. I've read your stuff for years. You win.


John Krumm said...

We all have our "get off my lawn" moments. And our "I want to speak to the manager" moments. And our "I should burn my phone and cancel the internet" moments. Luckily, we also have our "man, I like that photograph" moments.

Robert Roaldi said...

Of course things were better in the old days, I was 30 years younger then. What's so surprising.

Biro said...

There’s an old saying among residents of New York City that goes “New York was in its prime when you were in your prime.” That pretty much applies to everything else as well. But it doesn’t mean we still can’t have fun as long as we’re breathing.

John Abee said...

This is likely my favorite of your portraits. All the more amazing when you consider what the photographer had to work with. Well done.