
I am nearly always enchanted by how the old Leica SL (601) cameras render files. Yesterday I shot raw and imported into Lightroom with a David Farkas Preset custom made for this model. A few tweaks with a shadow slider and I was satisfied...


So. what does 10,000 ISO look like?

Or, 8,000 ISO?

enough door signage?

And with the Zeiss 50mm all sharp and contrasty...

At the other end of the scale, here's what 50 ISO looks like.
That's the un-interpolated, native ISO of the SL.

What lovely tones!

Went out photo walking with my friend James in the late afternoon yesterday. My friend Herman is coming by to collect me in a few minutes for another walk-with-camera in a few minutes, this morning. I think I'm getting this anti-isolation thing down. That, and the daily, almost hourly, use of one camera or another...

No excuses.


  1. Made me do a quick search on used 601's. Affordable, but add in a lens, and the fact that I don't need one... The photos look great.

  2. Currently re-appreciating a band called Coldplay. They're fun!!! Love "Vida la Vida."


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