
I saw this video on PetaPixel and thought it was so frustratingly fun. Been there, didn't do that....


Joel Bartlett said...

I love it, but my favorite is still Harlan Ellison's rant "Pay the Writer" on YouTube.

Mark the tog said...

I might also respectfully recommend Mike Monteiro's "F**k You. Pay me."
on YouTube. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=jVkLVRt6c1U

Happily , this kind of client has not bothered me for some years now. When I had my first one it astonished me into speechlessness. Later I fashioned various responses but realized that the best response was "Anyone who asks for spec work is nobody's client ever".

Askingtherightquestions said...

Great post Kirk!! Nicely sums up all the problems with content weasels. Of course Mark is also correct - they are really never anybody's client.

("You worka for the government?") : )

Craig Yuill said...

I smiled throughout this video. I can vividly recall you making several posts about for-profit companies asking your permission to use your pictures for free. Would it be wrong to believe your response to those requests was more like the first four people, but the feeling inside was that of the diner owner?