
Go to this website http://cantineaustin.com scroll to the bottom and watch the video again.

I'm happy with the video with did for this Austin restaurant.

I did this with James Webb (he and I shot together and then he edited) last year and I put it aside after we launched it for the restaurant. I just watched it again today (making some dinner reservations) and I forgot that James had done such a nice job with the edit. Sometimes it's great for people who make stuff to circle back and see what they were doing in the past to inform them about what they might do next.

Click through to the website; It's my friend, Emmett Fox's wonderful restaurant. cantineaustin.com (The video is embedded at the bottom of their page).


Frank Field said...

Well done. Makes me hungry for a great Italian bistro. I'm ready to visit Cantine and I live in Northern Califirnia!

dasar said...

Very nice photos and video.
However, from an italian perspective, the pizza they make is very different from the one they serve here in Italy, while Paella is a spanish food (Valencia)

neopavlik said...

Very nice, did you/do you have a 30 second or 1 minute version if they wanted to air it on your local tv stations ?

The pasta cuttings, chicken, and drink at the end were really neat.

typingtalker said...

Did you know going into the shoot that it was going to be mostly long focal length shots? It is a style I like.

Kirk, Photographer/Writer said...

Hi all. Neopavlik: We did not edit shorter versions. My feeling is that when you go into a project with a certain cadence and look it's hard to cut it down or blow it up beyond the initial vision. If we were to make a :30 or :60 we'd go back to the raw footage and edit from scratch. But at least we'd know which clips we like... :-)

typingtalker: Both James and I are normal to medium telephoto fans and tend to shy away from wide angle stuff in projects like this. We did bring a whole Pelican case with lenses from 12mm to 200mm so we were prepared but not necessarily disposed to use anything too short.